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We walked along. Jeff was mad because I was won over by a dog instead of him.

"Why did they name you Smile anyway?" I asked the red dog, and Jeff rolled his eyes. He was getting mad because I kept asking Smile so many questions. Of course, this was my first time ever seeing a real talking dog. 

Were there more . . .?

"You'll see." he said. "You'll see very soon. Just watch, and you'll notice. Just watch. . ."

He sounded a lot like.... me. We had  a lot of things in common, and he was a dog. . . 

What did that say about me?

"Are you coming?" Jeff called from ahead. I had frozen again.  I remembered that Jeff couldn't read my mind anymore which was really ticking him off.

I just blocked him out, and I didn't think it was that hard. He got really mad when it happened, and every once in a while, he'd ask me a question about it which I usually answered with a simple shrug.

"Jeff, stop with the insults or karma is gonna get you right back with bitter results," I said. "After all, karma always comes back."

Smile laughed then asked, "Did you know your name could be Karma Kaya Sins?"

"How about Kaya Karma Sins?" I said not wanting to add on to my first name. Of course, Jeff couldn't help but disagree.

"Karma Kaya Sins it is, then!" he said, and I scowled.

I thought of my sisters words. "Childish," I hissed at him and rolled my eyes.

"Right back at you little girl."

I set down my cat and felt myself loose control. I stopped moving and tilted my head. "Jeffy," I said. "Turn this way."

He turned around, and I jumped on him. I grabbed his knife as he fell and began stabbing him multiple times. He tried hard not to show pain, but unlike me, he failed. On my last stab he cried out in pain and clenched and teeth together, and I jumped to my feet then laughed, "Definitely, Karma Kaya Sins."

I grinned. I, Karma Kaya Sins, was now the definition of karma.

Jeff stood  up and looked at his blood stained jacket and hoody. "It's bloody, and I haven't even gone out for a kill. You and your freaking dumb cat! Be happy you agreed, or I'd have you impaled on something." he growled, and I looked away. He had allowed me to stab him as if he expected it.

What was wrong with me?

My cat simply hissed at him, and I picked up her up and ran my hand over her shiny coat. She was so fuzzy and cute. I didn't understand why dogs were preferred over cats. I could understand if they were all like Smile.

"Good, your hoody looks better bloody. Where are we going anyway?"

He laughed, "Through the woods, so we can get to the Under Realm without being seen. Smile, I forgot how to do the portal thing when we got there, so do you know where the original portal is?"

"I remember how to," Smile replied.

I just giggled. "A dog's memory is better than yours." I ducked before he could slap me. Truth be told, I didn't understand how I'd get along with him, but something told me exactly what this little argument was.

"Well, Slenderman wiped it from his mind because Jeff was sneaking out," Smile said, and Jeff looked irritated.

"You can't tell her that!" he yelled, and the dog and I snickered.

This was what sibling rivalry really was. I had finally experienced it.

For a long time, we walked and argued. Now, he was talking about me to Smile and all the things he had observed me do whilst stalking me. 

"You can't talk about how much you stalked someone when you're talking to the person you stalked!" I yelled at him.

"How do you know? I'm the stalker!" Jeff yelled, and we glared at each other.

"Shut up!" Smile yelled surprising us both. "I have to do the portal, and I might do it wrong if you two keep yelling!"

Jeff's face turned red, and I grinned even though I was blushing too. "By the way, your eyes turn pink when you're embarrassed, so I know even though I can't see you blush," Jeff snickered, and I felt my goosebumps as I became even more embarrassed. Did that mean my eyes would become pinker or was this guy messing around?

Smile stepped forward, and he mumbled some words and a cloud of smoke appeared. Smile and I ran through leaving Jeff to himself.

He tried to grab the back of my hood, but I was completely in. He ran in, and I managed to trip him.

I laughed as he landed face first onto the dirt. "Looks like you're gonna be a slowpoke Jeff," I said and grinned.

He groaned then boasted, "I'm the fastest Creepypasta aside from Slendy when he teleports, but I'm still the fastest." Smile chuckled, so I got out what was on my mind.

"Well, now that I'm here, you'll have someone to take your place," I grinned and remembered when I used to be the star in track. Everyone had loved me then. Besides, being chased had made me a bit scared of going slpw.

"I'm way faster than a girl who looks like she barely has the strength to stand on both legs," he growled, and I couldn't help but be slightly offended. Didn't he just see me burn down a building full of people, yet underestimate me?

"Want to get beaten by a girl?" I grinned.

Jeff glare softed as he thought. He grinned and said, "Okay, Smile, go to the mansion and bark when you think we're ready to go."

"And, take the cat," I added.

Smile nodded, and he took the cat between his jaws then disappeared somewhere in the forest.

I was slightly nervous that Jeff would win because I hadn't seen him run, but he had underestimated my speed. I was underweight and completely unhealthy at the most, but looks can be deceiving. He of all people should know that.

I still knew that it was possible that he could win, and I hated losing. Actually, hate was an understatement. It was why I didn't participate in anything that I wasn't certain I could win on.

We heard a bark, and we were off. We had to be careful because we were in danger of crashing into trees and getting snagged on branches. I was used to running through the woods because it was an activity I used to always do with my old best friends. Also, in track, I had gone through some pretty harsh conditions.

He had been ahead of me at first, but as my legs picked up speed, I left him in the dust. I reached Smile about two minutes ahead of him. "We've been waiting for a while," I said with a smile when he finally caught up, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That wasn't fair! I wasn't ready!" he whined not accepting his defeat. Smile gave me my cat, and I smiled. Jeff was a sore loser as well, huh?

"Jeff, you were actually ahead at first, so in reality, Kaya wasn't ready. She also doesn't know the area, and she has shorter legs than you,"Smile said. "It was a fair win. In fact, you had a huge advantage."

I shyly smiled when Smile confirmed my win. No one really proved stuff for me like that, and I couldn't help but feel grateful. Jeff rolled his eyes. "You know, I should've just killed you instead of asking you to join us," he said.

I rolled my eyes even though I knew he had the power to stab me to death right now. To be honest, I didn't care if I died at this very moment. If he tried to kill me, it meant that I won...

"So this mansion is where the proxies live?" I asked, and Jeff nodded.

"You ready to go in?" he asked, and I nodded. My step father's mansion was bigger, but this could certainly due.

Little did I know, I was in for a huge surprise.

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