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Kaya's POV

Darkness, and nothing is all I felt. I think I can't go to heaven or hell.

Guess what? All those times you felt alone and wanted to feel nothing. Imagine this.

Now, if you have siblings, I want you to take a chance and appreciate them for being annoying, loyal, nice, mean, or even distant. Just... Please.

I couldn't feel anything. It was torture. I don't know how long. A second was like minutes, minutes were like hours, hours like days, and days like months. I forgot. Was I gone days or hours?

Suddenly, I began feeling. I wanted to scream at the touch of something. It didn't hurt, but crap! I didn't even know what pain felt like until...


Agh, all I've been doing is having conversations in my head. Either I had developed multiple personalities, or I just gonna block it out.

Nah, not multiple personalities. I would have been talking right out loud.

The darkness then faded away. I screamed at the feeling of everything. Oh, it was horrible. There was no way to describe it.

Being in nothing then pulled right back into reality. The feeling of something touching your skin is the worst. Oh, I would die for that nothingness.

Wrong choice of words.

I opened my eyes completely. It was kind of dark, and I felt claustrophobic. It was burning up, and I was so hungry. I felt skinnier than ever, and something felt uncomfortable a little above my collar bone.

Oh yeah, I got stabbed.

Now, let me give you a little lesson about my hatred and weakness. My hatred is people hurting others. My weakness is seeing someone innocent suffer. Like I did.

So, here's the case right here. I can't ever kill my Dad. It's because he is... Unpredictable. I wondered what his childhood was like. What happened to him? It's all confusing.

It's like me blocking out Slenderman and Jeff reading my mind. If anyone read my mind, the confusion would be... At high stars. I might also have to see a... Therapist in the Under Realm.

How ironic?

I imagined being back at school. Being called ugly, stupid, sick, insane, emo, or a suicidal piece of crap.

Those were the days right.

I then actually looked at my surroundings. Red metal incased all around me. I began panicking. Was I back with my Dad, and he kidnapped me? Was I in an asylum or a jail?

Sometimes, it's hard to remember I'm a kid then I remember I am just eleven. Even a twenty year old would scream in this scenario.

I had been beaten of most of my fear. I didn't scream at all.

I clawed at the top. Blood all over the top of my fingers. How could I get out?

"Slenderman!" I screamed. "Sally! Jack! Smile! Chrystal! I'll even take Jeff!" I yelled. I couldn't die twice!

I put my arms up and felt them shake. I had no strength.

Oh, I had to open up my thoughts to them. This might end up bad. I can't just focus on one thing like a message. I might focus on beatings or fires.

Slenderman, help! I'm in a... Coffin! Help me! I'm... Scared. I'm afraid. Where am I? I never actually open my thoughts!

Right when I thought that, guess what. Images came.

My mind came up with when I had said I never actually open my thoughts to my Stepdad, and he began beating me. I had been nine or ten. I screamed. This is why I kept my memories locked up.

I wish I actually had a childhood to tell about.

My eyes stung. I closed my eyes to stop it. What was this stinging and wet stuff going down my face?

My thoughts were still opened when I thought that.

Kaya, don't worry. We're coming, and you're crying.

I scowled in disgust. Crying, no... That ruined it.

Kaya! Don't be disgusted by you're crying. Sally is special because she cried blood and remember. You're just a child. Don't let it be that your Dad beat out most weak emotions. No matter what, you're a child. A small child that has been though way to much.

I began crying harder. How could this be so ironic? A person who killed mostly children was comforting me. He was good at it to.

For once, I just let it all go.

I beat my fist against the top of the coffin, cried really hard, screamed, and pretty much had an emotional breakdown.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeves and closed my thoughts again. I loved it how only I could send my thoughts to a pacific perso- creature. Great, Jeff couldn't read them. Hallelujah.

Ugh, anyone reading this must have thought something violent or scary would happen. Maybe something funny.

I had to go all sappy, didn't I? Well, take it. I just got stabbed, killed, buried, put in a coffin, got beaten by thirteen people, screamed, got bloody, had a bloody temper tantrum! The list goes on!

Was I filled with more anger or sadness? Even the heavens couldn't answer that.

I could hear the dirt moving above me. The top raised off and light got all over me. I but my tongue really hard avoiding a scream and blood got all in my mouth.

Yep, now tell me. Have any experiences that are worse than mine. Go up and tell... Please, don't.

"Kaya?" Jeff said even worse than his usual raspy voice. He looked kind of torn up. Even his cut up lips were kind of frowning. His shaggy burnt hair was a lot more messed up. His hoody had a weird thing on it. His eyes were bloodshot.

I opened my mouth trying to speak and began coughing. People never actually say completely what it's like coming out of death.

You feel messed up. Your senses are hyper active and everything hurts. Your throats hurt when you try to talk, and your head pounds harder when you cough.

I breathed in deeply. The air quickly filling up my lungs, and I almost died... Again.

I breathed out breathing barely trying to stop the pain a little and failing.

"Hey. Can't." I coughed. They were all looking down at me as I tried to move.

Slenderman picked me up with his tentacles and fell asleep feeling like I was in the safest place in the world.

I loved my family.


Agh, so sappy!!! Hm, seeing you guys suffer in the comments is totally worth it though and want a character added... Agh, ask before its to late since I just started this story.

(British Accent --> Maybe Even Zalgo!)

No, not him...

Unless someone asks me about it cause I just think he would ruin my steadiness of the story. He's way to powerful...

It can be a vote in the comments, okay?

I only feature him in my um, not as good as this story will ever be Creepypasta Stories.

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