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For those of you who have triggers, I'm going to mark the spots with / you should skip. I don't want anyone harming themselves over me causing them to remember things you'd rather keep buried.

"Wake up, little sadist! Slendy wanted you down for dinner! You need to get up!" I fell off the bed and hit my head on the metal part of the bed.

"What the..." I muttered and rubbed my head to make sure there was no bruise or bump. "Jeff don't ever do that again!"

He just laughed. "I'm going to again, and you know it. Besides, there's no mark on your head."

Jeff grinned as he walked out. Then, I locked the door, got undressed, and looked for a clean shirt. As I did, I got an urge. I looked at my many scars and felt my odd urge to make more.

I ignored it for now and looked for a long-sleeved shirt. I just got another black GAP shirt to make sure my scars were hidden. Then, I put on some long skinny jeans and put some leather boots on over them and every bruise and scar below my neck was now covered.

I decided to get the concealer the man gave me and use it for the marks on my neck. I walked into the bathroom. I put concealer all over my arms. It did a nice job. I pulled my sleeves back down and began to cover some of the scars on my face.

I couldn't get rid of the of the ones on my face that I had just gotten the day before I went to the orphanage, but they didn't matter as much. I could make excuses for those. Of course, some of them would bother me.

I then looked over myself. Not bad. . . But I could have done better... Then again, this concealer was the wrong color, and I usually have a lot more, but he probably didn't apply it every single day like I did. Also, they didn't have have that many bruises and scars as me. Maybe Slenderman could get me some more. He'd understand. . . Right?

I walked out surprising Jeff. "What happened to all of your scars?" He asked clearly confused.

"Concealer," I said. He looked even more confused. "And the concealer doesn't show." I couldn't help but add, "I had to apply this stuff on when I got hurt most of the time. I'm a pro at putting it on. I bet that I could get white makeup and cover up your scars. Maybe the makeup they use in Twilight Saga." I grinned. "Jeff The Vampire meets Bella The Human." He glared, then I noticed that he couldn't really blink at all. Neither could Slenderman. . . I could make crappy jokes now!

I smiled. "You should have a blinking contest with Slenderman. I would love to see who'd win."

Jeff chuckled and said, "Let's have a staring contest."

I laughed and said, "No thank-you. Oh yeah, what's up with that rude eyeless guy."

He laughed then rolled his eyes, "You mean Eyeless Jack. He's just antisocial. I think you two would get along if you caught him in a rare good mood," he said and grinned. "Maybe, you could get a crush while you live here."

I didn't actually understand at first then I felt embarrassed. I didn't believe in love, and I hated the word 'crush.'

Jeff seemed to be hypnotized by me for some reason, and it was pretty clear that he was just waiting for me to start an argument. I then realized that I was in a new house. I hadn't exactly thought about the effects of my self harm here.

Now, the urge was stronger. It seemed to be going crazy and pushing it's way to the front of my mind. Well, I hadn't cut in some months, and this seemed like one of the perfect times to. I scowled and put my hand to my throat, and I put the other one to my head.

Then, I pretended to feel really dizzy, and Jeff finally noticed.

"I feel sick," I murmured.

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