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"I wish I could kill you," Jeff muttered when we stepped into the mansion.

I was going to say something back, but I was too taken aback by his physical features. He was so tall, too tall. It was kind of terrifying, and his eyes mad it even scarier. He'd just stare at you with his golden, unblinking eyes until he knew that he was making your skin crawl. To top it all off, I was only 5'2 which was considered quite short for my age.

As we walked through the mansion, I couldn't help but be surprised. It was almost like this place was bigger on the inside...

Jeff fell over when a blond haired little girl about six of five years old ran up and hugged him. "Jeff, where were you? I missed you. I missed Smile to, but I missed your smile more than Smile's. Stand up! Can we play tag? No, I like hide n' seek more. Yeah, can we play hide n' seek! I love hide n' seek! I'll be it. Oh yeah, Slendy wants to see you, so I guess you gotta play with me later. I'll go play with Ben!"

She ran off leaving Jeff on the ground looking as if he had been attacked by a bear. "That was Sally, and she's over-excitable sometimes. Also, she's naturally brunette, but you know, she wanted to be blonde instead... Anyway, Slendy wants to see me. By me, he means me taking you to him and-"

"Stop talking," I said without realizing it. He had been talking for way too though, and I hated explanations. "I meant, ugh, can we go?" I muttered and scratched my neck out of embarrassment, and he glared at me. He grabbed my hand and ran towards a door. He knocked on it then opened it as if he had confirmation.

"Did I mention that I was a bookworm?" I told him. We had just entered a room full of books, and I wanted to read. When was the last time I read a book? I was too busy working with my stepfather to draw, read, or paint.

"Ugh, I already knew. Remember, I was stalking you, and I don't really think Slendy likes people touching his books," he whispered. I nodded and turned away looking at the books in awe. There must have been thousands, and they were all huge.

"Jeffery, did you bring the new killer like I said," a man said. I resisted the urge to laugh at Jeff's proper name, and Jeff glared at me.

"Yeah, she's right here." He pushed me in front of him whilst I was holding his hand, and he came out with me and fell. I couldn't help but laugh this time. Sweet karma...

God, my sense of humor was twisting.

A lot of people laughed at other people hurting themselves. If this had been a normal incident, the average person would have broken their nose, but Jeff wasn't average. Also, I'm not average with my sense of humor, but I laughed at a lot of different things. I don't think normal people would laugh at a person who had threatened to kill them falling on their face.

I had finally stopped laughing and looked up. This made me fall backward right next to Jeff. The thing in front of me was terrifying. He had no face, and he was wearing a suit. He had to be at least ten feet tall. That's a great way to make me feel worse about my height as well.

"Are you alive?" I asked, repeating what I had asked Jeff. He couldn't breathe with no noise or mouth, couldn't see with any eyes, and couldn't talk with any mouth. Maybe he wouldn't move. Maybe he was a statue.

Then, the thing laughed. . . And all my of my scientific knowledge fell into a dark deep abyss.

"So this is my new killer?" he asked jokingly, and Jeff lifted his head.

"Don't be fooled. She is much smarter than she looks," he said, and he lied his head back down on the floor.

"Why can't I read her mind?"

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