Chapter 27 - Tough times

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~I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.~

I didn't even realise when I had fallen asleep in Mukti's car. When I woke up late afternoon the next day, it took me some time to register where I was. I had been changed into a fresh and clean pair of clothes and was in a very familiar looking bedroom.

''Oh Crap!! No!!'' I screamed as soon as I realised. It was my old bedroom, in Uncle Rajiv's house.

''Good Morning Nandz!!'' Mukti greeted me in a voice chirpier than usual, walking in with a tray piled high with food and pretending not to notice my bewildered expression.

''Mukti, why the heck did you bring me here?!'' I exclaimed, trying not to be too loud because I didn't want Uncle to get to know I was here.

''Chill.. Dad was sleeping when I bought you in. He doesn't know. Now, have some food before sneaking out.'' She casually said, plopping onto the bed.

I looked at the tray placed infront of me, contemplating whether to eat or not because of the way my stomach grumbled and then shook my head, remembering what was most important ''I need to go check up on Manik first..''

''What if he wakes up then, and comes to know you haven't had anything since so long? He'll get so mad at you for depriving the baby of all the needed nutrition.''

I narrowed my eyes at Mukti but she just faked an innocent expression. She definitely knew how to get her way. I sighed irritably and grabbed a bowl of sliced fruits.

''How did you carry me up though?'' I asked curiously as I shoved a piece of apple in my mouth, looking at her stick-like arms, which surely couldn't have lifted me.

She gulped and looked away ''Umm.. Harshad helped me. His car was right behind mine.. I think he wanted to make sure we reached safely.''

''You seem to have formed quite a bond with him in such a short time.'' I remarked, noticing her expressions.

''Haan, so what? He's cute.. and helpful. Plus, after that punch you delivered on his jaw in your crazy mode, atleast someone had to behave normally, apologize and be supportive.'' She turned the tables on me and gave me an accusing look.

I shrugged and quickly gulped down the glass of orange juice next, avoiding her gaze. My mind was back on Manik now. Though it would kill me to see him motionless on bed , I needed update on his condition and I had promised myself to not lose hope.

Once done with my meal, I freshened up as fast as possible and was moving downstairs when Rajiv Uncle spotted me. In my hurry, I hadn't bothered to ask Mukti to check if the coast was clear first. He was at the foot of the staircase, probably about to come up,  and the initial surprise on spotting me changed to a sort of softness on his face. We were seeing each other after a long time and it created an emotional vibe.

At that moment, I really badly wanted him to take me into his comforting arms, pat me and assure me that things will be alright. He had been like my father for so many years and whenever I felt like giving up, his arms were what would give me the strength to get back up and fight.

''Nandz! Navya just messaged.. She wanted to know when you'll be reaching the hospital to see Manik ..'' Mukti ran out behind me, and stopped as soon as she noticed her Dad and me standing face to face. As soon as Manik's name was mentioned, his features had hardened and he looked away in distaste.

''Manik is not a criminal, Uncle. Infact, it was Nyonika all along.. He was just being framed..'' I said, desperately trying to change his outlook towards our relationship.

''Doesn't change the fact that you slept with a probable criminal. And stayed in that cheapster's house against my will..''

''He is NOT a 'cheap' man.'' I retaliated instantly. ''Yes, I did commit mistakes, and I deserve to be reprimanded for it. But, not one word about Manik.'' I couldn't help the curt undertone.. when it came to Manik, nothing else mattered.

Mission Manik Malhotra - A MaNan FF [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant