Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 "Walk"

Third Person's POV

Dipper doesn't know where he is going but he only prayed that the girls will be shaken off! But it's already been ten minutes and they still haven't been shaken off by the slightest!

He was near at crying already! He clicked his tongue and noticed the near turn. Oh God, please help us! He took a huge breath and leaped in, as he pulled in the actor with him.

"Wa-oh!" Bill exclaimed and fell next to Dipper, who was sweating and panting for air. But still, he leaned at the wall and pushed him on the wall too, harshly.

Bill hissed when his head hitted the wall and glared at him, "hey-"

"Shh!" Dipper hushed with his teeth clenched.

He waited for the girls to pass by with their shrieks and screams. When they did, so as the screaming turn distant. He released the huge gulp of air earlier and relaxed, sliding at the wall.

"Thank God.." He muttered, exhausted.

Bill released himself from his grip and awed at his aching hand. He glared at the brunet, "if my hand got broken, you're paying for it!" He growled.

Oh right. I'm still with him. Dipper felt the tension come back again. He met his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"You should be thanking me for saving your goddamn life!" He exclaimed, pointing out the obvious.

Bill scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." He then showed a mocking smile, "so, my hero," Dipper groaned, "where are we?" He asked.

Dipper froze. He didn't think of that until now. "Oh shit." He cursed and shot up, looking left to right. He paled and swallowed.

He never knew the other cities of California. Only Piedmont! He has no idea where they are and what part of the city they are. He doesn't even know what city he is in!

Bill stared at him, strangely. Until he knew what's happening. He gasped loud. "You.. we're lost, aren't we!?" He shouted, shooting up too.

"I didn't know!" Dipper exclaimed back, panicking. "I was so focused on letting the girls shake off! I didn't cared where we're going!"

Then realization strucked him. "You!" He pointed at the blond, "you probably live in this city, right!? You should know the streets here!" He defended.

Of course, being Bill, he don't normally take walks. Only drives and the driver is George. He sweat dropped but forced to pull the upperhand. "W-Well.. I.."

"You don't know either!? What kind of Californian are you!?" Dipper shouted.

"What about you! You didn't know either!" Bill yelled back, offended again.

"I live in Piedmont! I don't even know what city is this!"

"Are you serious!? You're in Santa Monica, dumbass!"

Dipper blinks. "Santa Monica?" He repeated, confused.

Bill wanted to his face already on the wall. But he won't do that. It will harm his beautiful face. So, he answered bluntly, "yes."

"Well that explains the bikinis I keep seeing around." Dipper said, suddenly in a good mood.

And Bill has to snapped the good air again. "We're freaking lost."

"Oh right! Shit." Dipper cursed again. He pulled out his phone and went to call logs. The first call is from Karen. I hope this works.

He pressed the green button and put it on loud speaker so Bill can hear the conversation too.

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