Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 "Right Buttons"

Third Person's POV

While having a little chat between Karen and Dipper, the last guest they are waiting for came running inside in a pink floral top and jeans to pair with her flat shoes. The said guest looked around to catch her crush's eyes, or maybe her hair.

Karen caught those eyes and smiled wide once she's familiarized with her. "Hana!" She exclaimed, waving her hand to come by.

Hana redden, thinking how nice it is to hear her voice to call her everyday? She approached them and finally noticed the brunet at the other side of the table. Dipper smiled nicely at the girl, she smiled back as she took the seat next to Karen.

"Hi!" She greeted at him, "my name's Hana West, the make up artist." She handed over her hand.

He shook it, nodding. "I'm Dipper Pines. Nice to meet you, Ms. Hana."

"Gee. Don't call me that!" She pouted, "'Hana' is enough for me. Besides, we might be even at the same age!" 

"He's twenty three." Karen cutted in as she sipped on her coffee.

"What!?" Hana exclaimed, mostly offended and shocked. "How can that be!?"

Dipper laughed awkwardly. Was that really surprising? He never actually thought of his age though. He grows fast, it feels like yesterday when he's still twelve. He sighed, missing the good old days of being free.

He cleared his throat and asked her, "h-how old are you, Hana?" 

"She's twenty six."

"What!?" He reacted the same way she reacted, offended and shocked. He sweat dropped, doubting the words that came out from Karen's mouth.

She hummed, giggling. "It's the truth, dear. Twenty six and no boyfriend since her high school years." She sighed.

But, who cares! I love girls anyways! Especially, the beautiful lady right next to her. "What about you?" She leans at the table, interested at somebody else's love life.

Dipper redden and looked away, embarrassed. Well, he does have some experience but talking about it? He might as well bury himself under the ground and die.

"W-Well.. I do have experience.."

"Oh! Oh! Who's your first lover? Is she nice? Pretty? What's her name?" Hana squealed.

Uwaa! The pressure's on me now! He looks hesitant and flustered but mentally he's panicking whether he'll tell her or not.

He did.

"She's.. nice, I guess? Pretty mean at first but she's okay. She's pretty, beautiful, even. She's a freelance model so it wasn't a huge surprise." He said, wishing this will satisfy her questions.

Hana was amazed. She couldn't believe that he managed to get a girlfriend like her! "Wow! You sure are lucky, Dipper!"

He chuckled. "I was."

"You were?"

"We broke up last year."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Hana. I've moved on." He laughed. He was so thankful that he did moved on though. If he didn't, he's probably at his house, asking if he's still alive.

Hana sighed, her palms on her cheeks with those heart shaped eyes of love sickness. Dreaming of the only person that made her like this.

"Man~ it must felt good having a lover, huh~" She hummed.

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