Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 "About Him"

Third Person's POV

Late Night

It was around eleven fifty at night when Bill decided to show up. As always, drunk as hell but still in his senses. The maids and the others are very used to him acting like this and being seen beet red and being carried by George and carelessly thrown on the sofa in the Lounge.

Unfortunately for Dipper, he doesn't even if it's his first day today.

He hates the scent of alcohol even though he drinks alcohol himself. "Bill! Wake the hell up!" He exclaimed, slapping his face.

That woke the actor up slightly, especially to that face with that button nose that he hated so much. "Ah- ahh!" Bill pointed at him with his slurred words.

"You- came back~" He hiccuped and laughed.

"Jesus Christ." Dipper muttered and met Rena's eyes that is obviously concerned but exhausted, "is he always like this?"

She nodded, sighing. "Always."

Dipper rolled his eyes and pulled him up with the help of Elias, "we have to get him to his room." The butler whispered and has a strain on it. He gained weight obviously.

"Agreed." He looked at Rena and she understood, "gentlemen, please this way." She leads the way to Bill's room.

It was a hard thing since they have to climb the stairs and there will be moments when Bill will have to throw up but he won't, worse of it, he will swallow it back again.

Dipper swore he has to get used to this every day.

When they finally reached his room. Rena opened it with her copy of the key and opened the lights with a clap of her hand, all lights opened and even the fake fireplace opened it's fire.

"This.. is his room?" Dipper gawked, he isn't much of a surprise but his room is fucking huge like, it's already an apartment for him!

Elias chuckled, "i got the same reaction when I first worked here."

They tugged the unconscious actor on his bed and carefully placed him there. Bill is already asleep and drooling, probably dreaming of being full with doritos.

Dipper sighed heavily and a sudden ache on his neck happened. He yelped and alertly slapped his hand on his neck which pained him even more. Am I an idiot?

"Oh my, what's wrong, Dipper?" Rena asked, concerned. She just finished tucking in Bill, who snuggled at the warmth.

He smiled forcefully, "i-i think I have a stiffed neck.."

"Oh dear.." She reacted. Elias popped in next to her, "how about you use a ice pack?" He suggested.

"That's a good idea!" She smiled at him.

"We have a one downstairs. Shall we go?" Elias asked.

Dipper smiled at them, thankful that they really are good people. "Thank you so much- you have no idea how thankful I am, right now." He murmured.

Rena and Elias chuckled, "we should leave. Master is really cranky when someone woke him up unintentionally."

He agreed and they left the room in silence, before Dipper stepped out, he takes a good look around the room and left with a silence mutter under his breath.

He was about to stepped in the stairs but his phone rang.

The attention went to him. He sweat dropped, "geh. I-I'm sorry, I'll take this shortly." He said as he stepped away from them and answered the call. The two went down stairs.

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