Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 "Small Things"

Third Person's POV

After three days (Friday)

Early Morning

"Master Bill, please wake up." Teresa shake Bill's covered body and didn't even moved an inch.

She sighed heavily, "just because you are free for the rest of the day, doesn't mean you can sleep until noon." 

The door opened and Dipper peered his head at the side, with Jetto circled between his legs. "Still not awake?" He asked.

"Yeah.." She answered.

Dipper went in as Jetto came running to the bed and jumped on the lump of bed which made Teresa yelped in pain since that dog is really heavy and being jumped with so much forced by a huge golden retriever is painful.


But there was no reaction in the lump of body.

"Geez.." Dipper pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "i knew it." He quickly grabbed the blanket and pulled it away.

Teresa blinked, "eh?"

It was a dummy with a wig and face mask of his.

Teresa was too shocked at this that she couldn't speak. Dipper just shook his head, "don't worry, just leave him to me, Teresa." He said with a tired smile.

She nodded and felt stupid. "I'm so sorry.."

"Don't worry about it." He replied as he turn his back at her with Jetto at his trail.

Teresa stared at his back until he left the room. She just noticed how attached the dog to him though. Even her who loves dogs so much, her who is the maid in this place longer than him, she never actually get close to Jetto.

She pouted and fixed the bed, "hmph. I want Jetto to follow me around too.."


Dipper sneaked out some dirty sock from Bill's bed, that's the reason why he came inside the room. He knew that he wasn't there but he has to be sure. And besides, Jetto was out from his room.

He knelt in one knee, giving the sock to Jetto. "Track him for me, bud." He smiled.

The dog gladly sniffed the sock and looked side to side. He woof'ed and ran away, following the scent of his beloved master.

Inside those three days, Dipper managed to get to know Bill Cipher. Not only as a eccentric actor but also as a mean and stubborn kid who needs a mother to feed him food. 

The first one is that Bill doesn't like boring things. If he was invited to a gala but full of guys and producers and others, he'll turn it down. Unless there is a sea of ladies. Surprisingly, he loves weird things and weird stories. Like, aliens, supernatural and also he believes in Illuminati.

To be honest, he wasn't that surprised either. As for him, he doesn't believe in God and actually do love weird things also.

The second one is that BIll loves to dance alone in the hall. Not dance like hip hop or anything, waltz. He will raise his arms like he's holding someone and dance without any music, with the lights turned off and only using the moonlight as his light.

He saw him once do that when he came home late and smells of a dozen perfumes and even have lipstick marks on his collar and neck. Obviously, he scolded him and threw him to bed. But since he couldn't sleep because he's body is so tired but his eyes are still wide open.

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