Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - We don't play the game.

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TMNT: We don't play the game.

Chapter 1: "Let sleeping dogs lie."

There were eighteen of us, each sat two seats away from the other, back to back, surrounded by four white walls taller than all of us combined, the only decor was a white analogue clock and the time was twenty-five minutes to five o'clock.

The sound of shuffling feet on the linoleum floor was constant, as was the ticking of the small red hand on the clock, wilfully wasting our time away as if it were recyclable, we have few moments in our life and we do not want to waste them in detention for high school crimes we did not commit.

Through the windows of the room I could see the sun letting of its last glare of light before it disappeared entirely behind the concrete hills of New York, a city of Art, Fashion and Glamour! And did I mention; Transgression, Syndicates and Pilfering! Okay, so that side of New York doesn't sound as alluring, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting, dangerous? Yes. But interesting all the same.

If you saw the faces that observed us as we carried out our punishment, you would be able to tell who lived upstate, with the picket fences and neighbourhood barbecues, and who lived downtown, with the theft and neighbourhood brawls, each face unvaryingly shadowed with grief and fear, their house could be getting robbed, their family members mugged in a dark alley, that is... if he wasn't watching.

The Nightwatcher, New York's newest form of vigilante justice, he took valiantly to the rooftops each night and discouraged all the scum of New York's underworld, I had only seen him once, from a distance, but he had become somewhat of an icon for me, someone with that amount of bravery was a hero in my books, but while the townspeople cheered him on, the cops weren't too pleased about him doing their job, I don't think it's because they felt like they were getting paid for nothing, I think they were worried that the Nightwatcher would soon make the NYPD obsolete and they wouldn't earn any money at all.

But in my opinion, the Fuzz weren't doing us any good anyway, oh sure they came to every riot that went on, but all they did was 'Oversee the commotion.' It's probably just a show to them anyway, watching the insects squirm, like a little kid with a magnifying glass and an Ant hill.

Five minutes 'till four.

In all honesty, this was my first detention ever.

When I first came to high school, I instantly carved myself a nitch in the social pariah as 'Strong and silent.' Y'know, the kinda' person who leaves you alone, so you leave them alone, but! Oh no! That wasn't good enough for some people so, inevitably I became the focus of small group of girls, who were older than me by mere months, it was embarrassing that I actually let them get away with framing me.

And framed for the simplest of things too, apparently I'd set the fire alarm off so as to avoid having to take a social studies quiz, I didn't even take social studies, let alone care enough about it to evacuate the whole building.

Many people would say; 'What's done is done, let sleeping dogs lie.' But this dog was about to get put down.

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