TMNT: We don't play The Game .17

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"Why don't you start at the beginning?"

  Mark sat on my living room floor and told me all about the dead guy who was laid next to him, his face covered by a towel. Turns out Mark's Dad had gotten himself mixed up in some heavy shit and hadn't told his son or daughter about any of it, they were completely unaware until the day good old Ricardio (the dead guy to you and me) turned up on Mark's inherited doorstep looking for some money his father owed Ricardio and his boys.

  Mark had somehow managed to calmly sit this guy down and explained to him the unfortunate circumstance in which he and sister had found themselves, Ricardio was apparently already aware of this and had just popped by to pick up some money the his Dad had left in his name.

Still following me?

  It was at that very moment that the window in Mark's lounge was busted through by a woman with dirty blonde hair, a fuzzy, beige sweater and a pair of brown leather boots. she was swiftly followed by a greasy looking fellow who was wielding a spanner.

Sound familiar?

  They started mouthing off at Ricardio about a false tip they'd got from a friend of his about The Nightwatcher's bike. They'd found it the alley just like he'd said but they came up against some noble little fan girl and the Nightwatcher himself.

  This friend of Ricardio's just so happened to be Mark's father who would've ended up splitting the money with blondie and her partner just so he could pay his bills on time and look after his kids.

  They were not happy about this in the slightest since they would now miss out on the money they were going to get for the bike to pay off what could have been anything from a gambling addiction or any number of drug habits. Anyway, they'd now decided that since there was no bike money they were going to exact their revenge upon the people who had fucked them over.

Starting with Mark's Dad.

  They'd intended to end it with Ricardio, and almost did but for a slight interruption: ... You guessed it!

The Nightwatcher.

  Making his entrance through the same window that Blondie had broken, sensing danger Spanner-man spun round and attempted to defend himself and his lady only to be taken down instantly with one cracking blow to his midsection.

  Seeing this as her only chance our quick thinking antagonist retreives a small, silver handgun from inside one of her boots and fires in Ricardio's general direction.

  Soon she is in chains and struggling for freedom, kicking and screaming on the floor, without saying a word he bundles her and her unconscious partner out of the wi dow and off into the night.

  Meanwhile, Mark has a wounded man to tend to and his little sister coming home to worry about, so he helps Ricardio to his feet and they hobble all the way to my apartment where he proceeded to die on my carpet.

And we have come full circle.

  Mark leaned back on the couch and took a deep breath and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Is that all?" I was obviously in a state of disbelief- y'know... Shocked.

"Yeah... I think so."

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