TMNT: We don't play the game .9.

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TMNT: We don't play the game

Chapter 9: At risk of fangirling

This wasn't right.

On pretty much all levels, this just... wasn't right.

"Are ya' okay?" There he was, right there, right in front of me... It was all so surreal.

"'Ey..." He squat down at eye level and leant forward slightly. "Are ya' okay?"

"No." I blinked hard, then cleared my throat, my voice was hoarse, I had been too busy locked inside my own head, I was shocked that I'd managed to say anything at all, even if it was only one word.

"'Kay, had a few too many tonight?"

"Wh-... What?"

"Beer." I glanced at the shiny exterior of the eye-guard attached to his helmet, then I let my eyes fall back down to stare at my shoes, I shook my head slowly.

"No... They hid it from me... Then Mark was sad, he left before Ebony was eating Freddy... Then I ran away because of blood."

"Okay..." He raised his arm towards me slowly, I quickly slid away, after a moment, my mind finally clicked into place, I turned my head to look at my reflection in his eye guard.

"Is it-... Is it you? I mean really... really you?"

"What?" His hand was resting on the garbage can next to us, I raised my own arm towards his hand, trying my best not to alarm him, though I feel that may have been hard to do, my fingertips brushed along the cold metal, then I realised something odd.

"Why... Why do you only have three fingers?" There was a moment of silence, as his head turned to face his hand, his gaze rested there for a while before her spoke;

"Bike accident." His head turned back to focus on me, which I didn't like.

I didn't like the way he was looming over me,

I didn't like that I couldn't see his eyes,

And I certainly didn't like how long this silence had lasted.

"I-... It really is you... isn't it?" For a moment, I tried to analyse him, to see if he understood what I meant, of course there wasn't a way for me to figure that out, since his head was encased in at least two millimetres of solid steel.

"Um... yeah, it's me." I felt my lips curl upwards at the corner, I was smiling in such a serene manner, I was so sure that it was the same feeling, as someone who was high, I sank back into the wall behind me, relaxing my muscles for the first time since I left the apartment. "Why?... Do I know you?" I blinked hard once, I fell quickly out of my high state, then focused on the silvery shine of his suit.

"No." I shook my head gently, smiling up at the sky. "Unfortunately... but I bet if you got to know me, you'd value me as a person." He gave a throaty chuckle, before standing up, he held out a hand for me to take, I meekly slipped my fingers into his palm and he pulled me up sharply.

"I think I saved your life tonight, you should value that." I smiled sincerely at his helmet, and I could feel my cheeks set aflame slightly.

"Thank you."

"No problem, kid." A few moments passed slowly by, before I realised my fingers were still resting in his palm, my mind functioned quickly enough for me whip back my fingers, and brush back my fringe, without failing to tear a few hairs out, leaving me with my eyes screwed up, and rubbing my scalp aggressively.

I opened up my eyes to notice there was no metal man stood in front of me, he had made his way over to his bike, and was now perched on the seat with his hands on the throttle, I took a small step towards him, my eyes on the polished surface of the bike, t reflected the moonlight perfectly, both the bike and his suit held a glint of the silver light, it was so impossibly beautiful.

"Need a lift somewhere?" I broke my focus from the bike, to see him facing towards me.

"No thanks, I'm just round the corner."

"Suit ya'self." He revved up the bike and kicked up the foot peg, it sounds cliché, but it happened so fast, with two fingers, he saluted me, then he tore down the street and out of sight, leaving me alone in an alleyway, my knees quivering violently and hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Oh... God." My legs gave way beneath me, and my knees hit the ground, there was a unhealthy clicking sound as I fell to the asphalt on my side, I watched excess rainwater seep into the sewers for a while, before I lost my vision, and sank into black.

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