1 ~ Taken

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AN: Hey. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this. It is now finished, and is undergoing editing for the Watty Awards, so be sure to vote and comment on it. I want to thank everyone who has been supporting me while writing this. I came a long way and my one goal is to get some kind of reward in the Watty's so... I love you all, and I hope you like the edited version.

A special thanks to all my fans who have stuck with me this past year. You're all amazing!

All rights reserved, so don't even try to copy it.


"What the-,"

I was about to set down food for the cat, when I felt arms snake around my waist. I yelped, but someone was already shoving a ball of cotton in my mouth. My cries were muffled as two other pairs of hands reached for my arms and legs. Something was wrong. If someone was playing a prank, it wasn't funny and I was scared.

This wasn't a joke.

No...am I being kidnapped? Low laughs and deep alto voices rang out in the empty night, taunting me. I writhed and struggled, like a rabbit trapped in a snare, but I was unable to break free of the hands holding my chest. The stench was making its way up my nose; It was the smell of dirt, blood, and death.

Oh hell no.

Damn it Grace, fight! My Inner voice screamed, wild and desperate. The panic was raging viciously through my veins, hot and fast. I felt my knees slam against the concrete, wincing in insufferable pain when the tiny rocks buried themselves in my skin.

It was like I had been shocked by a thousand bolts of lightening. Suddenly the adrenaline kicked in, and I was kicking, and kicking, and kicking in a crazed desperation to break free of the hands that withheld me. I had no idea where, but it didn't really matter. I could hear the soft thuds of flesh hitting flesh, my hands, my legs. I used every single part of me, because I would not let some bastard take me away.

I opened my mouth and screamed in the highest decibel, so loud it seemed to puncture my eardrums. I felt a rush of relief course through my entire being; There were no hands, no voices. Everything was silent, and in that moment, it seemed like there was only one thing to do in order to live another day.


All of a sudden my bare feet were slamming the pavement in quick succession; thud; thud; I just kept running. I ripped the blindfold off my face, wincing when the lights outside my house exploded like orange and yellow orbs. The door! I could see it, it was within metres of me. All I had to do was open it, and-,

"Get down, Bitch!" My face hit the ground. Blood was oozing out of the gaps in my gums, but all I could feel was the despair. Hands were pressing against my face, forcing the torn blindfold back around my eyes. It was black. Oh god was it black. I started to wheeze hysterical cries. Another scream filled the desolate street, but not one light came on. Not one.


"Lights out honey..." My kidnapper sneered, breath hot and voice low against my exposed ears.

Something was going to happen. I couldn't bear it, not knowing-,

My mouth opened in a silent scream as the pain erupted from my chest and spread all over my body. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak. I couldn't do a thing because the mixture of white hot agony and ice cold fear had paralysed my body. Right at the moment, I wished I was dead.


My eyes fluttered open, but I couldn't see a thing. It was as If my eyes hadn't opened at all. Where the hell was I? Why the hell am I here, and not home?

And then I remembered. Hands grabbing my waist, arms and legs, constraining me. Blood, gushing out of my mouth as I hit the concrete, and then that utter moment of pure white pain I wished I could forget. I had been kidnapped, and dragged somewhere against my will.

No, that hadn't been a dream. I really wish it had been.

Water from the ground was soaking into my clothes, and the cold was already starting to sink into my bones. I shuffled away, but not before noticing that I wasn't even wearing my clothes. I was, in fact, wearing a pair of dark blue overalls that were almost impossible to see in the pitch black. There was one thing that did stick out though. There was a glow-in-the-dark twenty one sewn to the fabric.

That was weird, and I felt a wave of fear.

I reclined my arms out either side of me, but was shocked when the feeling of concrete brushed against the hands. I stood up on shaky legs, and felt all around me. I was in a room, one maybe two metres each side? I shut my eyes for what seemed like a very long time, and started to hyperventilate. The stagnant air offered very little oxygen.

'There's always a silver-lining Grace. When you're stuck in a sticky situation, that's all you have to remember.' That was what my dad had always told me. But now, all I could see was grey skies.

Silver lining my ass.

Waves of fresh panic took over my body, and I felt like a puppet to my own desperation. I incoherently started to bang against the concrete walls, knowing the only place I wanted to go was out.

"No ..." I whispered. leaning against the wall. "NO, NO, NO!"

I flung myself against the stone wall, as if it would miraculously crash down. I brought my fists down on the concrete prison.




"LET ME OUT!" I bellowed, needing someone to hear me. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. I let out one last exhausted cry before I curled up on the cold floor and erupted into sobs.

Song - It never ends, Bring Me The Horizon.

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