5 ~ Injection

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Day five..

I don't know why I'm here.

These men, they hurt me. My wrist is splintered in two, and the bones are poking out of the skin. It looks irreparable, even if I do ever get out of this hell hole. I am in so much pain; I am going to die here, that much is certain.

But what do they want? Surely they can't just want to torture me? There's no logic in that...No, it doesn't make any sense-,

The glittery pink pen slipped from my grasp, clattering to the floor in a hollow scrape. My hands were shaking so much now, from hunger and from being so parched. I couldn't move now, party due to my arm and partly to do with plain exhaustion.

And yet the days pass slowly. Did you ever hear the expression 'Time fly's when you're having fun?' Well, I wasn't. Just think of how much fun I'm having, and then work out how much the days are dragging on. The only way to get through, was to live through memories. Even the bad ones...

"OK, now who's going to own up to this, hmm? Until the person comes forward, we will wait here all day..."

A groan resounded through the class of grade three students, and each child looked at the other accusingly. Whoever had written 'I hate Mrs. Pigging' on the table was in serious trouble, and we knew it. Nonchalant students twiddled their thumbs, and hungry students twitched

Of course, they didn't know it was me.

I didn't mean to do it. I got pressured into doing it, by some older kids. They said it would be cool, and that if I did it I could be a part of their group. I even like Mrs. Pigging, even though she happened to have a very unfortunate name. She would have been so disappointed, so I kept quiet. Just like everyone else under the teachers furious glare.

"Come on. Own up now before we all get angry." She said, tapping her foot impatiently. I gulped nervously, earning a curious stare from my friend, Darcy.

She patted me on the arm, trying to be comforting. "It's OK, you didn't do it."

How little did she know?

I was afraid I was turning pink. My skin started to sweat, and my arms started to itch. We sat there for half of lunch, until Mrs. Pigging finally gave up and waved us all out.

"Just know that I am very disappointed in you." She said, and retreated to her desk with her head in her hands.

As everyone filed out, I stood in the corner of the classroom, shuffling my feet impatiently. After breathing deep a few times, I strode over to the desk in which the teacher sat.

"It was me." I told her, and waited patiently for her answer, Slowly, she lifted her head. The expression on her face wasn't angry, or sad....just disappointed that her favourite student had written something like that about her.

"Do you really hate me?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. She tutted and reached for the phone.

"I'm going to have to call your parents."

I don't think I have ever been as ashamed as I had been then. I was only seven years old, but it was the scariest thing I had ever experience.

Just looking back on it now seemed like a walk in the park on the scare-factor.

All of a sudden, a thin beam of light shot through the tiny concrete room. Knowing what that meant, I shuffled back into the crevice of my cave. Just as I had guessed, Tom - the Onyx eyed kidnapper - strode through the doorway, bulbous belly filling up almost half the room. A sly grin spread onto his face as I whimpered and scuttled as far away as I could. I hated this fear.

He made a dash for me. I had no time to avoid the swift punch to my jaw, or the rough hands on my body. I fainted when the burning agony started in my wrist, falling into a black night mare. I woke up a few times, hearing random laughs and random shouts of 'The Pill Tom, The Pill!'

“Get the knock out pill Tom!” It was louder this time, and I was almost coherent. A blonde man handed Tom a green and pink pill. Tom nodded his thanks, turned to me with a malicious grin like something bad was going happen, and he liked it.

“Thaaaaat's it honey. Just swallow. That’s it...” He travelled his callous hands up and down my throat, pinching my nose and giving me no choice but to swallow. I gulped just in time to see Tom withdraw a needle from his pocket, filled with a clear liquid.

I started to struggle. No way were they sticking things in me! No sooner had I thought that, when my eyelids started to droop. I was tired. I yawned a jaw-clicking jaw, collapsing to my side. The pain in my wrist didn't hurt anymore...I could sleep.

I would sleep now.


My eyes fluttered open, and I felt slightly fuzzy. Happy, almost. I was well rested due to the dreamless sleep of last night.

I straightened up, but not before I felt my arm against my side. I looked down, and vomited. Literally. It was worse, somehow, than last night. It was blackened and about three times the size it was before. A long gash ran down the side, with a mixture of thick yellow pus and black blood oozing out. The pain was excruciating. My nails were shiny black, and my fingers were a darker blue than before.

A sob ripped through my throat.

Must have been that injection, I despaired, letting the tears come freely now. I hated this, and I wanted to leave. I wish I had never gone outside that day. I wish they would just kill me already, instead of treating me like some kind of lab rat.

But what could I do? There was nothing left to do. Next door, there were people exactly the same as me, perfectly normal people with perfectly normal lives until they ended up here. People who where in the same condition as me.

In fact, If I listened closely enough, I could hear their strangled cries through the walls.

Song - Metro, Help I'm Alive.

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