8 ~ Sunny the Saviour

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The air was colder.

I knew that more than anything else, because that's all I allowed my mind to think of. It wasn't that hard, when the cold was gnawing at my mind, eating holes in my memory and evaporating any sanity I had left. I felt like I should have been an ice sculpture, preserved here forever. My blue overalls lay next to me, the shreds like memories of yesterday. Goosebumps the size of small hills situated themselves on my bare skin.

I picked up my pink pencil.

Day twelve

 Its so cold. I cant breath, the air has frozen my lungs. My head hurts so bad I can't think straight anymore. I only wish I could remember what it was like to be warm. I wish I couldn't remember last night.

That man—Tom—has Raped me, and im so afraid. Afraid that he’ll come back for me. Afraid of not knowing.

 The only conclusion I have come to so far, as these people can't possibly be humans. Humans aren't that monstrous.

I dropped the pen and watched as it rolled away from me with bleary eyes. The water in here was running out now. There was about half a puddle left in here, and I was about to drink that. My throat felt like Id had a metal brush scraped down the back of it. I remembered the taste of that juice, sweet, satisfying. I remembered when me and my family used to go to the park for picnic’s and I’d get on the swings. I’d scream for my dad to push me higher and higher until he’d refuse and say I’d hurt myself. My mom would make turkey and cheese sandwiches which I hated, but I'd give anything for one now.

I sighed weakly. Somehow, that action alone sent my head reeling.

I didn't even jump this time when the door slid open; I didn't have to look up to know who it would be. Tom unbuckled his pants, just as hammered as yesterday. This time, I felt no fear, only resignation. I was going to die this time, I knew it. He would kill me or I would die of starvation, whichever came first. Was I ready to die? I didn’t know, but it’s not like I had any choice.

Tom stalked towards me, his hands groping and at me like a small child. I closed my eyes and fell back against the hard concrete. I waited and waited for the hands to grab me. The ones that had caused large purple bruises on my ribs and face last time. I waited for him to violate me and waited for his sick moans.

Except I felt nothing. Was I already dead? I heard a thud, and my eyes flashed opened. I gasped; Tom was lying face down before me, a large machete buried deep in his back. Blood gushed out of the wound. He was dead, but his killer was not.

“Sunny?” I breathed.

He ran to me, blood still on his hands as he ran over and gave me a slight hug, as if I were fragile. I guessed I was at this moment. I could only imagine what I looked like right now.

“We need to get you out of here. Now. And we have to save the other kids.” He glanced down at my naked bruised body and flinched a little. I looked down at the blue splodges and flinched myself. “Here, take these,” He said, throwing me a pair of blue overalls, similar to the ones I had before. Only this one had a five on it.

"Of course." I said, pulling on the overalls. I paused, and took his outstretched hand. "Thank you."

For the first time, I felt hope.

Sunny smiled weakly and kissed my hand. I laughed. It sounded foreign to me. "It's OK. I needed to do it."

I didn't have time to nod before he had grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the bright white lights of the great unknown.

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