chapter 13

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We all out in my dad black truck. We had our weapons. Chris drove cause everybody was scared I was gone kill them before we got there. We pulled up to the warehouse in the south side. We went up to the back of the warehouse. It was men everywhere. We waited 10 mins til our back up came. 5 other trucks pulled up filled with our goons. We all got out busted into the warehouse open fired. They were hitting the ground like flies. I walked in after them. We all went in different directions. I followed the GPS into the back room. Toni kick in the door. I pointed my gun looking around. I saw this big tall dude sleeping I'm he chair. I looked at Ryan.

Ryan went up to him, point the gun in his face. She slapped him. He jumped up.

"Where is she" Ryan said pointing the gun in his face.

He pointed to the door all he way in the back. I nodded my head and Ryan knocked him out with the gun.

Toni, Ryan , and I went towards the back, kicking the door in. We walked in seeing trey and his brother Shawn talking. They put their hands up.

"Where Tf is my girl" I said

They pointed at the door. Toni and I ran, busting the door in. We seen Kae laying on the floor. I ran to her dropping my gun.

"BABY ! BAE" I yelled her name

She moan and groan, turning over. I hugged her tight, letting the tears fall from my face. Her face was bruised and swollen. I picked her up, letting her lay on my chest. Toni grabbed my gun. She walked up to her, rubbing her hair, kissing her on her cheek. She looked up and I saw tears forming in her eyes.i walked out, carrying Kae. Chris ran up to her, hugging her, kissing her forehead.

"What did they do to our baby girl " Chris asked my dad trying not to cry

My dad looked at kae seeing the bruises on her face. He got so mad.

"You bitch ass nigga" My dad said hitting Trey with the gun.

Trey and my dad were friends when they were younger. Best friend a actually. They started the underground when they were 22, but trey became selfish and wanted more. He became wreck less, almost getting them caught up. At the time it was local but he wanted it to go international, but they had too much heat on them. Trey didn't care he still did it. He got caught up and did 6 years in prison. My dad bought him out. He hated that so he went into business for himself. While he was in prison, my dad teamed up with Chris. They had beef ever since.


Trey always been afraid of my dad. He almost pissed himself. My dad knocked him out with the gun.

"Bruh, get kae" I said handing my baby to her. She took kae. I walked up to Shawn. I knew this bitch ass nigga from school. I went up to him and took his picture. I got in his face.

"If my girl wake up and tell me you did anything to her, I promise I'm coming after you." I said

He looked like he was about to shit himself. I grabbed kae from Toni and walked out the warehouse. I got in the car, holding kae to me as tight as I could. Everybody got in the cars happy we found her. We rode back to the house.

I got out the car still hold her in my arms. We walked in the house. Char and Trina was in the living room.

"Oh thank god" they screamed.

I laid kae on the couch. They were hugging and kissing her.

"What's wrong? Why isn't she woke?" Trina asked holding her head.

Can You Keep A Secret? (Lesbian)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now