chapter 19

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So they put me and Trina in the same room. I'm guessing Toni and Kae was together.

"I wonder what they want" Trina said shaking

It was cold in the room, so I pulled her to me.

"I don't know, but I'm not letting shit happen to you" I said hold her rubbing her head.

A detective walked in.

"I thought this was Trina" he asked

"I am" she said

"But don't you go with Kae" he asked

"Yea why" I said not letting go of Trina

"Umm looks like y'all more than just friends to me" he said smirking

"We are, she my brother dumbass" Trina said

"Yea well, we locking up your sister" he said

Trina jumped out my grip.

"For what" she yelled

"The murder of Nicole Gipson" he said sitting back. "She's being processed as we speak."

Trina started crying. I look at him and I could tell he was lying.

"For Nicole murder right? So how do you know she did it" I asked

"We found blood at the send of the crime that matches Kaes" he said

"You lying" I said smirking

"Oh" he said shocked.

"Trina and Kae the same blood type, so why think it was Kae blood and not Trina" I ask

"Because Nicole dated you, so we put that conclusion together" he said drinking coffee

"So that's hear say and by yo own agenda, I play this game a lot, y'all need to come up with a better one. Are we under arrest?" I asked

"No'' he said

" cool we leaving" I said

I pulled Trina and we walked towards the door.

"Oh and Alexis, Congratulations on the new baby, sure you'll he a great father" he said smiling

"What Bruh, I ain't pregnant" I said

"Oh you not but umm somebody is" he said walking out the room.

I looked at Trina.

"Don't look at me, ain't no baby in me" she said

"Kae pregnant?" I asked

"She didn't tell me anything, so I don't know" she said.

"Come on let's go" I said.

We went out to see kae waiting by the door.

"Where Toni at" I asked

"I don't know" kae said

I looked around and saw Toni walking from the back. Trina grabbed her and hugged her. We all went to the car, got in and drove off.

"What they ask y'all" Toni said

"That I know who killed trey and if I told them nothing would happen to Trina" I said

"They told us they arrested you from Nicole murder" Trina said

"Damn for real" I said

"Yea" Trina said

"They told me kae was pregnant" Toni said bluntly

"They said the same thing to us" Trina said

I looked at kae. She was trying to hide her stomach. Damn the shit was true. I didn't say nothing the entire ride home.

"I know its a lie, kae would tell us if she was" Toni said

"Yes specially me, I'm her sister" Trina said.

We made it to the house. Toni and Trina got out. Kae was opening the door but I closed it back.

"Y'all gone go" I said

They walked in the house. I waited til the door closed behind them.

"How far long are you" I asked

"5 months" I said

I looked at her. She was shaking so I know she was scared. I would never put my hands on kae.

"Why didn't you tell me" I asked

"I was going to but I didn't know how" she said

"Whose the father" I asked

"Shawn" she said

"You slept with him, and now you pregnant by a nigga who beat yo ass. Shit sad" I said mad

"I didn't --"

"Ion want to hear it, you can get yo shit and get out" I said mad

"Cool, since yo dumbass don't want to hear the truth, fuck you" she said opening the door "if you wanna know what really happened, ask daddy"

She slammed the door. I saw her walk in the house. I put my head on the steering wheel and just cried. My face was hot. I was so mad I didn't know what to do. I pulled out my phone and called my dad.

"Hello" he said

"You knew kae was pregnant" I asked

"Kae is what" he scream

"Oh so you didn't know, just another thing she lied about" I said

"What you mean lie" he asked

"She slept with Shawn and got pregnant, but didn't tell me. The shit makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it" I said crying

"Wait Alexis, Kae didn't sleep with Shawn. Shawn raped her when they held her hostage"

"What, he did what" I yelled

"She told me the day after we got her back. I was pissed, I thought she told you, but she didn't want you to do something stupid" he said

"Dad I just put her out."

"You did?"

"I told her to get her shit and get out"


"I fucked up" I said

"Yea you did, go fix it" he said.

I hung up, ran on the house. I ran upstairs to see if she was in her room. She wasn't. I looked for her all over the house.

"ALEX !" I heard Trina scream.

I ran in the room.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Kae is gone, she texted me" she said handing me her phone.

Sissy : I love you so much. I did lie, I am pregnant. I can't be with alex anymore, things between us will never be the same. I packed my stuff and I left. I knew one of these days it would have came to this. I have my own place and car. I will be fine dad and pa know where I am and still helping me. We have 2 weeks of school left. So I'll see you there I love you so much sissy. Don't worry about me stay there and be happy with Toni. Y'all are meant for each other.

I looked at Trina. She was crying. I couldn't believe I lost my girl and pur child. I went in my room and laid there. I felt so empty inside. I just cried.

"I fucked up. I really fucked up"

Now with this I don't know if I want to start a new book or just continue on with this.

Let me know what y'all think i should do

Can You Keep A Secret? (Lesbian)  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now