Vanished Tampon

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A couple of weeks ago I went to a dance and I wore a White silk dress with lose shorts underneath. No, it wasn't some cheesy hold my hand and kiss me thing. It was just a normal dance. Anyway, I was dancing in my dress and i was wearing a tampon so I felt safe that it wouldn't leak or anything. I have REALLY heavy period so I wore a pad too just in case. When I was dancing I felt something running down my leg. But I ignored it. Then I went to the bathroom and there was blood running all down my leg and it was all on my dress and it was horrifying. I cried right there. I cleaned my leg and went in the stall to investigate. The tampon was gone. It wasn't in. It wasn't inside my underwear. It was just gone. I was scared. I put another in and I tied my dress up in the back and put a jacket over it. (Sounds weird but it looked pretty good) then i just started walking out there looking in the ground to see where it was. I spotted it by the table. I had a ghost white face, someone found it, i wanted to die. But then they just threw out like nothing happened, and I awkwardly started dancing again. I was staring at my friends and they looked normal. They weren't being suspisious. I asked one friend if they saw what happened and they said they had no clue. Well. That's my terrifying story.


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