Blood soaked khaki shorts

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"I work at a wildlife park, where we have to wear khaki pants. I got my period about two weeks early, and it started out extremely heavy, with no warning, as I was walking around showing a baby wallaby to customers.

"I took off, but by the time I made it to the bathroom, my pants were soaked. I cleaned up as best as I could, and ran to the car for supplies. I always kept spare shorts and tampons in the glove box, but alas, my car was in the shop to get the timing belt repaired, and my father's car was obviously unhelpful here.

"None of my coworkers in the immediate area had any feminine products, and I didn't want to run around soaking myself further while i looked for someone who could help. The owner of the park is an 87-year-old woman who lives on the property. I was near her house, so I ran in and asked for help. I didn't even know her.

"She gave me an adult nappy, and, of course, did not have a change of clothes for me. I completed the following 5 hours of my shift sporting my bulging, blood-soaked khaki shorts in miserable humiliation."


I can not believe she kept wearing the bloody shorts 🤢🤢

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