Period Story

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my first one, was at a sleepover. I went to the bathroom and I saw the blood but i kind of expected it because I had been having discharge. Anyways, i needed to get a pad luckily, my friend had some but it was a super one and I didn't want to use that so i just decided to use my pantyliners that I had used when i was having discharge. I used it. We later on went to the mall. I didn't know. My pantyliner was leaking!!!!!!!!!! and there was blood dripping down my leg!!! In public!!! SO i did what i had to do, i ran all the way to the bathroom while my friend went to get me some new pants and undies. ANyways, i got a pad from the dispensers and changed my pants and went back to my friends house. On our way out, we saw a puddle. Of blood.I wonder where that came from...


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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