Bleeding for 2 Months Straight?!

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"I was around 10 when I got my first period. I was too young so I didn't have a "talk" and my grandma found out and gave me a pad. I couldn't move the entire day. I only had it for three days. I didn't get it for another couple of months. The third time I got it, it came down heavy and my mother only had the thin pads. After a week I told my mom it didn't stop.

"Two weeks, still a heavy period, but I was incredibly embarrassed to tell my mother so I kept living with it. My mom soon realized that my period never ended, so after about a month of bleeding nonstop, I had to be taken to the hospital because I was super anemic. I lost a ton of weight, I couldn't walk for too long, I was dizzy most of the day, and had fevers every day. I went to a hospital for the first time, and the doctors realized I was on the verge of dying. After a couple of foggy nights, I was sent home.

"After another month of being on my period, (2 straight months), I was taken to another hospital in a worse condition. At the hospital, my doctor was saying how "birth control" was the only option. To this day, I'm still unsure why all that had happened."


I think this is the worst story by far 😱😱😱😱💀💀💀 comment what you think!

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