Chapter 14

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"Great!" Evie beamed.

"So when do I start?" I questioned.

"Um, let's see... Meet me at our dorm today after classes. Does that wok for you?" She asked, tapping her fingers on the wooden bench.

"That works perfectly! Hopefully I can get my homework done during study hour though." I said, chipping at the blue paint.

"Awesome! See ya then! Better go or I'll be late!" And with that she ran towards the building.

"Yeah, we better get going too." Mal said, referring to herself and Jane.

"I only have three tardies to last me through the year and I've gotta take advantage." She said, standing up.

I turned to look down farther down the table, but Gabby was nowhere in sight. Sighing, I lazily got up and walked to my locker.


You know that feeling that you get when you sense something wrong? Like you're not absolutely sure about it, but something just really gets to your nerves. I felt that just as I walked past Music Room A. Someone was strumming a guitar and it just hit me.

Something's not right.

But what could it possibly be? Today was flowing by great, although it is extremely slow. I decided to just brush it off and headed to my next class.

Typical me, my mind wandered off not even halfway into the lesson. I decided to flip open my notebook and started scribbling. This is always a bad idea! Why? I always end up drawing out a design. I was already too deep in, though, so I decided to continue.

"Ms. Gothel," My head snapped up at the call of my name.

"What do you think you're doing? I sure hope you're paying attention, Missy, because we have an exam tomorrow." Mrs. Kay's ruler smacked my desk.

"I suggest you quit writing love letters and get started on that homework." She said, and without another word, strolled away.

"See! This is why villains shouldn't live among us!" The voice was very familiar.


"Shouldn't you do something about that, Mrs. Kay?"

"Settle down, Rachel. That assignment mustn't not be finished by tomorrow. Or I'll be contacting your Aunt Jaimee and inform her to limit the time she permits you to spend with that boyfriend of yours." The class let out a fit of laughter, including myself, as Rachel turned back around, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Oh, what a biggie! Like you guys aren't involved in any relationships!" She murmured, picking up her pencil.

I wondered though, why Mrs. Kay mentioned her Aunt Jaimee, and not her parents. Surely they were alive and well, Gabby had brought them up quite a few times back at home.

I just picked up my pen and proceeded to finish my assignment.

The halls were always jam packed the first minute a class was dismissed. Everyone always seemed to have such a rush! I mean, what's so exciting about learning anyway.

Luckily, my study hour was this period, which meant I could finish up my assignments. Homeroom was quite a walk away, but I didn't mind. It was in the media center, since they were currently fixing up the other classrooms.

"Everybody please take a seat and be quiet!" Was the first thing I heard walking in.

"Silence, please!"

"I'll be supervising this class today, your teacher had a meeting to attend." It was Fairy Godmother.

I took a seat in the back of the room, not wanting any interruptions. It was a bad decision, though, because I caught Rachel and her group of 'friends' snickering at a nearby table.

"Dang it." I silently whispered to myself.

Once I was all finished with my homework-miraculously-I decided to explore the library. It was actually quite big, with bookshelves so high you'd need a ladder if a book caught your interest.

My eyes wandered about, looking at all the classics, organized alphabetically. Secretly, I've always been a fan of books. That, and boybands. Gabby didn't know, and Lord knows what'd happen if she did. Perhaps if I actually tried I could improve myself in school.

But no. My laziness always got the best of me. In fact, why did I even do my homework? Back home, I never cared. Like how I found my love for books, could I possibly have liked school all along, but never cared enough to realize?

At our house on the Isle, I had a stash of books locked in a wooden chest under my bed. Along with rolled up posters of that boyband I mentioned earlier. I sure am an odd one.

Anyways, back to the story!

I glanced up to catch a book titled "The Great Book of Destinies" embroidered in gold letters on the side and think back to what Rachel told me during our lovely chat.

"Need any help? A ladder, perhaps?" The voice chirped.

Startled, I jump back and look at the girl who seemed to magically appear next to me.

"Oh! My apologies if I scared you there! I'm truly sorry!" She says.

"I'm Lonnie, daughter of Mulan! I spend my extra time as a library assistant." She exclaimed.

"Um, it's fine. I'm Gia." I say. Personally, I know I'm evil, but I don't like going around telling every living soul who my mother is. I mean, it's none of their beeswax, is it?

"Oh you're one of the new VK's, right? Word's gotten around quick!" Lonnie says.

"Uh, yeah, actually, I am." I said, pretending to seem interested in the books. I couldn't help but glance up at the one that'd caught my eye.

"Ah, it looks like you'll need a ladder. Be right back." Lonnie said, already turning the corner of the shelf.

She came back and leaned it against the bookshelf.

"Careful. I'll be over at a the checkout." She said and once again left. I started to climb up, and quickly slipped the book out of it's position. I slowly slid back down and carried the ladder to wherever Lonnie had headed.

"Just lean it against that back wall over there." Lonnie pointed, while she stamped the front page of a book with the due return date.

After I made sure it wouldn't slide, I headed over and checked out the book.


Hello lovelies! Well that's a wrap on this chapter. Getting interesting, eh? Also, did you guys notice I changed the cover for the book? It was about time. Rachel will be making more appearances in future chapters! Be ready lots of things are ahead! On another note, I am so very sorry I did not update last week! I had a terrible fever and was not in the mood for anything! I hope this makes up for it, though. Love you all!


Twitter: @honestlychonce
Instagram: @rowbrinaftlam
Snapchat: @audreyofficial1

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