Chapter 4

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Note: Hi guys! I was listening to Sofia Carson's remix of 'Rotten to the Core' while writing this. :) Anyway, I just wanted to let ya'll know that there's a new character in my story! You all know Rowan Blanchard's sister Carmen, right? She'll be playing Gabby, Gia's smarter younger sister. I don't wanna make you guys wait, so here's chapter 4. :) -->

One year after king Ben's coronation.

Location: The Isle of the Lost.

Gia's P.O.V

Basically, this place was a dirty rusty the-tower-where-mother-once-trapped-Rapunzel version with a door, which is good news because it means no more hair-climbing. The bottom room was small, with only a rusty bench, an old tea table, and portraits of mother, probably from Selfishness 101, a class she teaches at Dragon Hall, our local school. Yeah, she teaches.

I walked up the stairs where the main room is located. There was no sign of mother so I had lunch by myself, as usual. I like to ditch my classes, which is why I have a lot of time to spray-paint. And today, was one of those days.

After finishing my sandwich, I went into my room and waited out on my balcony, looking at the dark and grey skies. Former king Beast had made a mistake, and he was going to pay, whether he liked it not.

Three hours later, mother and Gabby arrived home.

"Hello, dear I've got some marvelous news!" she beamed "All of the isle is quite excited,"

Thoughts ran through my head, what could it be?

"Only the greatest news to ever come to this dump!" Gabby said like she read my mind. She's a total smart alec.

"Gabriella, zip it and turn on the Auradon news channel!" Mother yelped. The Auradon news channel was the only channel on cable. She reached for the remote and turned on the television. King Ben appeared on the screen.

I was still very confused.

"Good day, citizens of Auradon and those of you tuning in from the Isle of the Lost. I am here to broadcast very important news. We have decided that we will welcome a new citizen from the isle to Auradon. Our very respected clothes designer, Evie has chosen who shall come." Ben took out a little box with a screen on it and typed on the screen. Then he put the box to his ear.

A purple screen appeared; it read: 'Please wait patiently while king Ben contacts the isle. :)'

Moments later our phone rung. Mother answered.

"Hello? Oh yes, what surprising news, indeed! Gladly! Okay, thanks." she hung up.

"Who was-" Gabby cut me off. "Shh!" she said "Let me listen."

I rolled my eyes an looked at the screen. "We have just contacted the isle, so I can now announce the citizen's name to public."

A purple screen appeared. it read:

'Please wait patiently while king Ben contacts with the isle.

"Gia. Gia Gothel."



"Girls, calm down. I will contact king Ben, and arrange it so both of you can attend-"

"Auradon prep? No way! I ain't going there even if my life depended on it." I cut my mother off.

"But, Gia your life, excuse me, our lives do depend on it. You remember those four lousy kids that disappointed their parents? You will do the opposite, you will make me proud! You know how; I'll tell ya how. By getting your hands on that magic wand, then all of us will be free and evil will rule the world!" she said, out of breath.

"But mom-"

"No buts! You will go, you will find the wand, and you will bring it back to me, you understand, missy?"

"Fine." I was mad, you could tell it in my voice.

"I need to go too! I heard they have a museum there! Don't you know how exciting that would be?! I could meet kings and queens!" Gabby the nerd was talking nerd (her own little language), again.

"No, mom DO NOT, I repeat, do not listen to her! I cannot possibly commit the crime of the century with her by my side!"

"Oh come on, Gia, it won't be that bad." mother said and picked up the phone. I'm too lazy to tell you the whole conversation between mother and king Ben, so long story short, Gabby is gonna make this trip more torturous than it already is.

"So mother, when will we be headed to Auradon?"Gabby asked.

"King Ben declared today at six." mother replied. Oh, come on, you have to be kidding me!

"So have fun packing," mother smiled.

I walked into my room, or should I say our room, because with siblings, you're forced to share almost everything.

"I can't believe we're actually going to Auradon" Gabby gushed.

I always liked it better when mother called her Gabriella, because it meant she was in trouble. ;)

"More like a messed-up boarding school with prissy pink princesses that use too much make-up and are polite twenty-four, seven." I disagreed.

"Nu-uh! You're just saying that cuz you're jealous that they're prettier than you!"

"Gabriella, do not get on my last nerve, I'm already mad enough for having to go on this trip!" I yelled.

"Geez! I surely always wanted to have a cranky older sister!" she said sarcastically. "Oh; you think I wanted an annoying little sister?!" Gabby knew that if she got on my extra dark side (because I'm pure evil to the core), she wasn't getting out without a battle.

"Girls! Calm down." we heard our mother's voice.

I continued packing and made sure I had everything, while, on the other hand, Gabby actually wasted precious time on making a check-list.

"Check, check, check, and... check. Okay--that's everything." Gabby carried her stuff downstairs. I followed. I took an apple from the kitchen and took a bite.

"Gia, before you two darlings leave, I've got something for you." mother took something off the kitchen counter.

Was it... a brush?

"Finally! It's about time you start doing something exquisite with your hair!" Gabby snickered when mother handed me the brush.

"What's this for?" I questioned.

"Are you deaf? I just explained!" Gabby rolled her eyes at me. She surely had unlimited annoy-my-older-sister minutes. I glared at her.

"Forget what was said... I'll just be leaving... to keep watch," I smiled while she exited.

"Don't let Gabby know until you arrive, but... this brush is my only magic left. It will only work in Auradon, though." mother handed me the brush. I put it in my purse.

"Anyhow, go and wait with Gabby. Make me proud, Gia!Because the future is in your hands." she smiled.

I stepped outside and waited with Gabby. I spotted the limo heading toward us. We stepped outside. The future of the free world rested on our shoulders. I couldn't blow this; my adventure was about to begin.

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