Memories (E)

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This past year has been hard for me, well not only for me but everyone close to Ethan. It's been 6 years since we're married and this is getting harder by the time, we lived an amazing life full of love and happiness but it's not the same anymore. Alright maybe I should explain it better: last year we discovered that Ethan suffers from Alzheimer and he's been forgetting some things like it was expected to happen with someone with this disease. He forgets where he leaves his stuff, he forgets dates, places and sometimes even to eat. But we've been living with this and we are able to deal with it. I had to stop working because  he needs help with a lot of things but his family helps me with the money and with our marriage in general. I've been trying to get a job that offers me what I really need, and even if it doesn't pay much at least I can stay with my husband and take care of him. 

We needed to buy some stuff but Ethan wasn't able to go with me because he was sick and it was raining so I didn't want him to get even sicker. I called Gray and asked him if it was okay if he stayed with Ethan for some hours while I went to the mall. 

Me: Grayson, I need to go to the mall but Ethan is sick and It's raining like hell

Gray: It's okay Y/N I can stay with him if you want or I can go and buy the stuff if you prefer.

Me: I'd rather buy it myself, I know exactly what he likes more and I don't want to give you more work, could you just take care of him while I go?

Gray: Of course, I'd do anything for my brother.

Grayson arrived in about 20 minutes, I told Ethan that his brother was going to stay with him and he seemed to be happy about it. 

Ethan: We look so much alike

Me: Ethan? He is your twin brother, don't you remember?

Ethan: I didn't know I had a twin

A tear rolled down Grayson's cheek

Grayson: It's alright buddy, but you do remember that I'm your brother right?

Ethan: Yes, I knew I had one, I just didn't remember how you looked like. I'm sorry...I try my best to remember the most important things. 

Grayson: Don't worry Ethan, I'm here, and as long as you remember about me, I will be happy, we've been through hard times together before. 

Ethan: Yeah ...I guess...I just hate this I want to be able to remember everything again, I forget about so much stuff, some of them aren't important but this? I FORGOT I HAD A TWIN, I FORGOT HOW MY OWN BROTHER LOOKED LIKE!

Me: Ethan it's okay, come here.

I hugged him and gave him a kiss, we were looking into each others eyes

Ethan: I don't want to forget about my family, it hurts me, I don't want you to suffer because of me, you've done everything for me and I don't want to forget about that.

Me: You won't, you won't forget that and I'll always be here.

I told him that I had to leave but that I would be back soon with some food and other stuff. 

*At the cashier*

My phone rang. It was Grayson.

Me: Hello?

Gray: Y/N we need you right now, please come fast

Me: Wait, Gray? Where are you? What's wrong?

Gray: It's Ethan, just come to the hospital as fast as you can please

I left the groceries there and I made my way to the hospital. What could possibly be wrong? When I got there I ran to Grayson, he was crying.

Me: Grayson what happened? Where's Ethan?

Gray: He was feeling worse so I went to buy some medicine with him, just something for his headache... He left the pharmacy and crossed the road without looking, without paying any attention. He got hit by a car, the lady said she tried to stop but it was too late.

After hearing that I couldn't even open my eyes, tears were all over my face, why me? Do I deserve this? What did I do wrong?

The doctor approached us

Doctor: Are you Mrs.Dolan? 

Me: I am, how is my husband?

Doctor: Well, he will be fine, he has a broken arm and rib and he had some cuts near his eye but nothing to worry about.

Me: Oh thank God!! When can I see him?

Doctor: He is sleeping right now, but you can always wait there for him to wake up.

Grayson and I got to Ethan's room and sat next to him, I wanted to talk to him, I needed to ask him how he felt.

We waited for about 1 hour when he finally woke up

Me: Ethan, oh baby, you scared me

I kissed him and he looked confused

Me: Ethan?

Ethan: I'm sorry...I just...You're beautiful I wasn't expecting that.

Me: Aww Ethan I love you

Ethan: Oh...hmm....I love you too I guess...Sorry, who are you exactly?

Me: Ethan..don't you remember me?

Ethan: I'm so sorry I really can't see who you are right now

Me: I'm...*I started crying* I'm your wife...

Ethan: What? I'm married?

Me: Yes...yes you are...for 6 years honey. Actually it will be 7 next month.

Ethan: I'm sorry I ...I'm sorry, are you sure I'm really your husband? I'm pretty sure I would remember you.

I took the necklace he gave me and I showed him

Me: You probably don't remember this, but , you gave me this on our first anniversary.

He didn't speak, he just grabbed the necklace and stared at it. I was looking at my hands and crying when I heard someone whisper my name. I looked at Ethan and he smiled.

Ethan: Y/'s your name right?

Me: Yes

Ethan: I still don't have any memories of you, but that's a beautiful name, did I ask to write our names here?

Me: You did

Ethan: I'm sorry I just can't remember...

Me: It's alright, I knew this day would come, I just didn't expect it to be this soon

He kept making me questions...Questions that I never would want to answer, questions that a husband should never ask his wife...but sadly he didn't remember anything, not even me.


Alright I didn't know how to write this but I had this idea where he forgot about you and stuff ....

I hope you enjoy it anyways 

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