Chapter 4: An Unexpected Teacher

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He was shaken awake the next morning by Catrina.  “Come with me.” she said.

 “What time is it?  I don’t fell like I’ve slept at all.”  He complained.  “How do ya’ll keep track of the time of day anyway?  How do ya’ll know its not evening right now when ya’ll are waking up?”  He asked.  She said nothing.  She merely walked out of the room and waited in the hall for him.  

        He got up and got dressed and followed her as she led him into the library.  Ghaleron sat on a chair reading a book and looked up at him.  

“Ah, good morning young David.  I see you have been awaken by your young trainer.”  

“WHAT!” David said.  

“Ah, what indeed my young friend.  I thought you would say that.  While I have wrote most of the volumes in this library Catrina here has read them many times over.”  He explained.  “You see young David the first thing you have to do before learning magic is to learn what magic is and what it consist of.  You must learn what some of the words of power mean before you can try to use them.  Thus is why the staff has yet to change for you.”  He said.  

        David couldn’t believe his ears.  He agreed to be trained in the ways of magic but that was only to see if he could find a spell that could get him out of here, and only because he thought Ghaleron would be teaching him personally.  He didn’t want to be stuck with some know-it-all bookworm that looked younger than him.

“I don’t mean to sound rude.”  David said.  “But I thought you would be teaching me yourself.  Your daughter is younger than I am.”  David complained.  

“Don’t let appearances deceive you David.  Some of the hardest battles you will ever fight will be against people that don’t appear to be a threat.  Why the great Zacherus himself was a short weak looking man.”  He proclaimed.  “And don’t forget while my daughter my appear young she is centuries older than you my boy.”  Ghaleron said firmly.  

                Catrina looked at him smugly. “Shall we begin?” she asked.  

She led him over to one of the many bookshelves and grabbed a huge thick book off and handed it to him.  He turned over the heavy book and read the cover out loud,

“Beginnings of Magic:  A History Vol. one.”  He sighed and set down at a chair.  

“When you get done reading that let me know and ill get you another.” she proclaimed.  

“Great, I’LL get back with you in a few years.” he said in an annoyed tone as he looked at the size of the book.  

“I was hoping you would have it done by lunch actually, but the end of the day will suffice.” She said.

 He looked at her like she was crazy.  “How am I suppose to finish this in one day?”   David asked.

 “By opening to the first page.”  she said with all sincerity.

  He turned the book open and began to read it.

                                     An Introduction

        Magic has been around since the beginning of all that is living.  It resides in every living thing and can be learned by any willing to master it.  The first thing that the user must understand is that magic does not consist of anything coming forth from him, this is a common misconception, but consist of him controlling what is around him by speaking to it in a language that it can understand.

        Plants, soil, even fire, air, and water all contain living elements that when spoken to in their own language can be used to manipulate them.  Each of five have their own language that one must understand in order to enact the magic that is within them.  One must also understand that none of these can be manipulated beyond their own boundaries and shape.  For instance you can not turn water into fire or make water float in the air.

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