Chapter 3: The Keeper Of Knowledge Of All that Is Magic

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The first thing he noticed was that his head hurt and he couldn't concentrate enough to remember where he was or why he hurt so much. He opened his eyes and noticed that he was underground, and then it all came back to him.

"Lily", He cried out, and began to sit up, but his head swooned and he quickly laid back down. Lily was okay though, he saw her get lifted out, didn't he? As his eyes began to focus he noticed he was still underground, maybe the water had carried him to an underground chamber, he thought. But why was there a light then, and why was there water in the first place. After a few minutes he tried to sit up so he could look around and see if there was a hole where the sun could shine through, that would explain the light, and maybe provide a way out. The ground below him was slimy and hard and the air was old and stagnant. As he leaned up he gasped. There was a man sitting across the chamber looking at him. He was an older man, with a short white beard and a balding head. He was a little plump with dirty brown robes. The man sat next to a small wooden table with a lantern on it and stared at David with bewilderment in his eyes.

"Well, I was wondering if you would wake up. Another minute and the stick poking would have commenced." David looked at him dazed and confused until he saw the long staff in the corner by the chair and table. "My name is Ghaleron, I am the keeper of the knowledge of magic. And who might you be young adventurer?" He asked.

David looked at him trying to decide if this was real or not. "My name is David. Am I dead?" he asked.

"I sure hope not son, because then that means I am dead as well, and I don't remember dying. I believe I would remember something that drastic." He joked.

"Where am I?" David asked in a weak and tired voice.

"You are in a secret chamber high in the Overlook mountains.

David knew that name and it meant that he wasn't far from home! Maybe somehow he had simply washed up here, but how? How was that possible? The old man cleared his throat bringing David back from his thoughts.

"Now, can I ask you a question son?" Ghaleron asked.

"I suppose so, I am in your chamber." David said.

"How exactly did you get here." There are no entrances or exits. This chamber is designed so that only the mightiest men or women seeking my knowledge may find me." He said in a puzzled voice.

David looked at him confused taking it all in "I'm not exactly sure. One minute I was in an empty well saving a friend who had fallen in, and then water began to fill up the well. Before I could get out it sucked me under, and here I am."

"Interesting". the old man said stroking his short white beard. "This chamber is protected that none may enter except they know a secret pair of words from a dead language that is passed down from king to king. Only those the king himself sees as deserving of these words may know them and enter. As I said there are no entrances or exits. Fate must have summoned you here." the old man said.

"I am merely a young farm hand from a small village. what could fate want with me? Are you sure I'm not dead or dreaming?" David asked.

"I am afraid your not." the old man replied. Let me ask you this, is the world in chaos and in dire need of a hero?"

"No. its actually quite peaceful." David answered.

"Is there a deadly war commencing amongst the kingdoms of the world?" he asked.

"No. there was a short war thirteen years ago when I was born but as I said all is peaceful now."

"Well then, you must have been summoned by mistake. Magic must be leaving the land. I was afraid of this as I've had no visitors for many years now.".

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