Chapter 13: Amongst Thieves

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David listened to the man in front of him as they slowly walked through the cave tunnels.  He listened intently doing everything he was told to do.  When he was told to step to the right a foot, he did, when he was told to jump, he jumped.  He tried to count his steps, listen to the sounds and remember the smells but it all seamed the same and there were to many specific steps to remember.  There was no way he could retrace his steps if he had to.  They where at the mercy of the men who were leading them deeper and deeper into the earth.

David could feel the ground below him slightly declining down taking them deeper into the earth.  After spending almost the last year of his life in a cave it didn’t worry him too much but he was worried about Richard.  Richard had never liked enclosed spaces and the last thing they needed was him to panic in while standing around all of these traps.

After what seamed like an hour of listening to the man in front lead them through the tunnels telling them where to step and constantly reminding them to hold on and walk directly behind him they came to a stop.  Slowly the men pulled off each of their blind folds and David begin to look around as his eyes slowly focused.  He could tell they were deep underground because the air was stale and stagnant just like the year he spent in the cave with Catrina and her father.  It was damp and dark and David could see a few torches on the wall but that was the only light that was provided and shadows loomed everywhere that he looked.  

The five of them stood there for a moment taking it all in until the man that lead them, James, finally spoke up.  “Our village is just a little further up ahead.” He said. 

Richard began to laugh and looked at the man.  “Village?  Is that what you call this den of thieves?”  

David looked over at Richard shocked.  He had never been an outspoken or necessarily brave person but when pushed into a corner he had been known to fight back.  That along with the fact that there was obvious fear in his voice from being deep underground trapped worried David, and David hoped that this wasn’t one of those times that he fought back.  They where stuck with a city of thieves in front of them and certain death behind them if they had to flee.  

“Watch your mouth boy” James said.  “This may not be any village that you will find on a map but it’s a village all the same.  Some of the best and most decent people you will meet live in here just beyond that tunnel ahead of us.”  He said sternly.  

“I’ve never meet a decent man who robbed from wagons and took children hostage!”  Richard said with a hint of anger coming from his voice.  

James pulled out a small club from around his belt and struck Richard on the head faster than David’s eyes or mind could comprehend.  Richard fell to the ground quiet.  He then looked at David and Catrina and spoke “Hell be fine, just have a headache in the morning.  Cant have him causing any problems or stabbing anyone in the back if he happens to have a blade on him.  I hope  I wont have to do the same to ya’ll but know that I will if I must.”  

David saw Catrina begin to mumble something under her breath and he quickly reached over and grabbed her arm.  She looked at him suspiciously as he very slightly shook his head no.  The last thing they needed was to start something they couldn’t finish,  neither of them knew what, who, or how many peopled laid ahead, and it was obvious that going back wasn’t an option.  

“Speaking of weapons.“  James said as he began to search David, and then Catrina.  

He handed their bags to his son, Stephen, but didn’t bother searching their bags, they just simply took them and promised that they would be returned to them when they left.  James and Stephen begin to lead them down the hall. David reached down to pick up Richard meaning to carry him on his shoulders if he had to.  

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