Chapter 5: Decision Precision

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"and with every kiss, he slowly stole pieces of her heart"

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The clock the pristine white walls of the elves waiting room was rhythmically ticking. With every tick, a drop of sweat formed on the small attendant's head. He had asked us to wait for the elf orderings to be ready for the tribunal. That made the boys stare daggers at the poor little guy.

I pouted my lips, bored. I turned to Noah, who was sitting by my side reading a History book. Typical Nerd...




"What?" He said, irritated. I smiled at him sweetly, as he looked at me in confusion.

"Noah, you're very smart."

At this, a slight tint of pink blossomed on his cheeks. He was shy. That was his weakness...

"Noah, you're kind of handsome too."

He blushed deeper.

Stuttering, he said,"S...Stop it. P...P...Please."

I tsked at him as I exclaimed,"You're so humble Noah."

This time he blushed a deep crimson. Now we attracted the attention of the other boys and the little attendant.

"What are you doing?" Ethan growled, a seldom tone as he was usually a joker. Well, unless he changed in the past three years.

"What do you mean? I'm just admiring Noah and his attractive traits." My words made Noah go redder than blood. Ethan held a look of consideration, as if was actually considering the chances of me teasing Noah. Like seriously, his face was flushed.

Jake looked at me, with interest. It was like he was trying to read me with his hypnotizing green eyes. I had a look of amusement on as I stretched my hand out,"Aubrey Weiss. How are you doing, Jake." The last word came out as a whisper as those memories that I thought I could overcome, came zooming back.

MY whispered word did not come unnoticed as he gasped. Jake shot away from me as he yelled,"How do you know my status!"

I said calmly,"William told me." He heaved out a breath of relieve.

I went next to his ear as the others sat down,"But I would advice you to keep your friends close before something happens. And--" I looked into his eyes,"--When you can't run, hide. When you can't hide, run, far. 'Specially from those who you have offended."

I walked over to Noah as Jake's face stoned.

The attendant came over and informed us that the elf orderings were ready. I applied a fresh coat of lipstick, I might as well look my best,aye.

The five leaders sat on shining silver thrones. I knew them all familiarly as I often came here for tea. Perks of having an Aunt that married one of them.

"Welcome visitors. What brings you to our humble court. Tell us the purpose of this tribunal! Oh, and hello Aubrey." One of the Elves, my Uncle Quixote, said.

I waved at him and replied,"Fine, Uncle Quixote. Its just these strangers want to drag me to the mainland to be a maid in the castle." I shrug.


The others nodded in agreement as one of the other leaders, Aada, said. "Go back. And tell the King if he dares to touch an elf to bring to his palace to be one of his petty little servants. We declare war, and you know the consequence." Her tone was filled with venom that even Asher took a step back.

"We will convey, we will take our leave now." Asher said, with a slight tremble.


Because Elves held all harmonious creatures together with their care and intelligence. Although Evers had more man power and had higher status, if they turned on each other, all creatures would side with the Elves,with no hesitation at all.

After they left, the orderings burst out into an argument.

All I could catch was "We need to let her go!" before they quietened.

"Scarlette."One of the Orderings said. It was Ramon.

I stared at him. His eyes were full of sadness.

He was usually the happiest of the five so his remorse filled tone caught my attention immediately.

He wore an expression which I wish would never appear again. The brooding expression in his eyes, the crinkles between his eyebrows and the sullen frown on his face unnerved me to the max.

He let out a sigh.

"Red, you have to go. You belong there. You are a-" he whispered,"- Pureblood." He used my nickname, trying to make the blow softer.

"What do you mean I belong there?" I demanded.

"War is coming Scarlette! THEY ARE PLANNING TO FIND ALL THE PUREBLOODS TO FIGHT, the Teivels." Ramon yelled.

I realized how dire the situation was.

The Teivels.


That name.

The panic. The horror.

The Monstrosity of those creatures.

"How many have they rounded up?" I questioned.

"Seven Scarlette. They have Seven and they have been looking for billions of years." Chiara spoke up softly.

My heart pounded in my chest, louder and angrier than usual.

"So, you are saying that you want me to go there and announce that I am a Pureblood in the name of Aubrey Weiss? Join their training and defeat the Teivels? Than come back here and pretend nothing happened?"

"No, Darling. I want you to go in there and say that your The Scarlette Creme, The Girl Who is more powerful than all of them. The one that can kill them all. And if they dare reject or hurt you, you will destroy all of them. You are the one who who can either save or hurt them."

"You are capable of things you don't even understand. You are going to be our hero. So if they dare hurt you, repay them them a hundred. Never let them kill you, from the front or the back. If you go in as Aubrey, you'll have a secret. People will use that against you. Go in there proudly as yourself and remember that all the elves have your back." Grisell said. She had not spoken much when I arrived but she was sure speaking now.

She was my favorite. My second mother.

My heart calmed and she held both my hands.

Her curly blonde-brown hair paired with blue eyes the depth of the sea was soothing. For a girl with a fiery temper, it was handy.

"I'll go. But you five have to contact and update me every two months." I asserted, still hesitant.

"Of course, Sweet Pea." She kissed my forehead. "Now go pack, we'll leave maybe after two or three days. We have to contact the King." She than shooed me away.

What have I landed myself into?

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