Chapter 8: Clowning Around and in Desperate Need of a Happy Meal

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Chapter 8: Clowning Around and in Desperate Need of a Happy Meal

McDonald's, 7pm

After leaving the dinning room, I slipped on my combat boots and ran outside, past the big fountain with the bronze statues on it, past all the traffic heading out to the beach for the campfire lighting, right into the Oakridge Arcade, where it was getting kind of dark and cold and spooky and stuff since almost everyone was at the beach, but I didn't care. Nobody was going to attack me because I was this five foot seven girl running in combat boots. Nobody messes with a girl in combat boots, particularly when she's also the town reject.

After a while I got tired of running, and then my stomache started to rumble. So I started to wander around checking to see if any of the stores were open. Thankfully I saw a familiar yellow and red insignia that was shaped into a letter M.

I love McDonald's. I always have, since, I was a little kid. It's way better than Wendy's or In and Out, because it's really bright and happy, and the food is way yummier, especially the chicken nuggets and the chocolate sundae. I love sundaes. At Mission Hill during founder's week, they serve the ice cream sundaes with little green and white sprinkles which were the town colors.

So I forked over a couple of dollars to buy my nuggets and sundae- that's the other good thing about McDonald's: it's cheap- and sneaked into the playroom.

I don't know if you've ever been to the playroom at Mcdonalds as an adult, but it's totally cramped. It's all yellow and red, and there are these little padded rooms with little activities velcroed on the walls, in case kids need to rest after climbing all the way up. Anyway, I banged in there hiccuping like a maniac, and then all these kids look up at me, annoyed at the interruption. I guess I made them lose count on a game of hide and seek or something.

It smells kind of bad in here, but its fun. There are all these different puzzle pieces that fit in the padded holes on the wall. And there's a little cloudy window kids can look out of so they can see what is going on outside. There's even a little bean bag you can sit on, too, and that's where I'm sitting on now eating my burger. You get used to the smell after a while. I guess you can get used to anything.

Oh My God, I can't believe I just thought that. I will NEVER get used to Mission Hill. I don't even like the name. It sounds like somewhere you would send a juvenile delinquent to get his act together.

What am I going to do?! I CAN'T be a Mission Hill Princess candidate. I just CAN'T!!

I could see my face in one of the shiny knobs that connected the room to other parts of the playroom, and my face has gotten all red and splotchy like it does in PE when we play volleyball and I get hit in the face. I looked at my face in the knob. This is the face they want to run for Mission Hill Fair Princess?!

You should see what I look like. You will never see anyone else who looks LESS of a fair princess than I do. I have really bad hair, it's really straight, so I have to pull it up in a ponytail or I'll look like Samara from The Ring. And I have a really big mouth, no breasts and skis for feet. Desiree says that my best features are my brown eyes which don't look all to well right now, being all puffy and red from trying really hard not to cry.

Oh God. What am I going to do?

If Stephanie Lucerne finds out about this, I'm dead.


Things I have to do when I get back:

1. Prepare for a driver's ed quiz about different traffic signs

2. Try to stop anyone from finding out about being a princess candidate

3. Keep away from Odette Pennel

4. Ditto Ryan Oaks

5. Pick out an outfit so great that it will wipe the image of me in a cow costume out of the recesses of Blake's memory


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