When you meet

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AUTHOR'S PREFACE: This set of scenarios was created when I was t w e l v e. My writing has since improved greatly, given that it's been about ten years. Please keep that in mind when you feast your eyes upon the vile cringe that is damsel in distress (y/n). There will be extremely cringeworthy moments, and (Y/N) is a whiny little bitch who is also the most cringe person on the planet.

Ok love u.

Levi: You just graduated top of your class, was put into to the scouts and were already friends with most of the cadets. Levi comes in and you salute.
"There is no need for that (l/n)" Levi said "Tch you brats! This place is filthy! Get to work!" Levi said yelling a little bit.
You started to scrub the place top to bottom humming a little tune. Pretty soon the hum turned into a song and everyone joined in.
Levi stormed into the room "You better still be worki-"
"Yes corporal?" You ask with a smile.
"I've just never seen the cadets so happy while cleaning. Good work (l/n)" Levi replied with a half smile
"oh my gosh! It's the apocalypse!" Hange yelled "corporal Levi just smiled!"
"I guess I did." And with that Levi walked out of the room smiling at you.

Eren: you just graduated from the cadets and joined the scouts. Eren was the first to greet you. "Hello My name is Eren, Eren jaëger."
"Hello Eren jaëger!
"My name is y/n l/n!" You reply
"Hey I think my great aunt was named (y/n)." Just then Levi called you all to the mess hall. "I'll see you around then y/n!" Eren shouted and waved
"bye Eren!" You yelled back.

Armin: You were walking around camp one day and decided to sit on a bench. You take out your favorite book, "the Chronicles of Narnia" by c.s Lewis. "Edmund stop! Don't eat that it could be poisoned for all you know!" you yell as Armin comes around the corner
"Reading the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I see?" Armin asks sitting next to you. You looked at him confused and he giggled. "I could tell by you saying no Edmund don't eat that! It's the part with the enchanted Turkish delight isn't it?" Armin asks you. You nod with your mouth hanging open "Close your mouth y/n you'll catch flies." He said closing your mouth lightly.
You cock your head. "H..how do you know my. Name?" You ask him.
"I'm a wizard like Harry Potter!" Armin replied.
You giggled "did Mikasa tell you?"
"Yeah." Armin said frowning
"Don't be sad! Keep your apples up!" You say smiling and lifting the side of Armin's mouth with your fingers.
Armin starts laughing and swats your hand away "There's that smile" you say as you giggle.

First chapter is done! I hope you guys enjoyed! Stay awesome guys! -maddie
Edited: 6/28/19

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