Back To Work! Xmas Special 8: Erwin Ruins Your Mistletoe Moment

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Levi had just gotten out of a meeting with Erwin and the doctor.
(Season 2 spoiler)
Erwin already had enough stress due to his freshly bitten arm.
However, the doctor had explained to them that the titans could potentially be humans.
Causing Erwin to have enough more stress.
You spotted Levi and ran up to the door way.
Levi looked up and you and flashed a rare smile.
You gave him a hug and sat down with him following.
"Rough time in there huh?" You asked softly
"No kidding." Levi replied with a scoff.
"Follow me" you whispered playfully "I got something to make you feel better!"
"What is it?" Levi groaned as he followed behind you.
You looked up and Point and Levi's head followed.
"Mistletoe" you cooed
"Sly." Levi replied.
He leaned in and kissed you softly, causing you to smile.
You both were startled by a throat clear, causing you both to pull away at the same time.
"Am I interrupting something?" Erwin said with a grin
"U..uhm." You stuttered
"Actually yes, I was under the mistletoe with my beautiful girlfriend." Levi came to your rescue.
"Oh ok. Carry on." Erwin replied with a small chuckle before leaving.
"You can talk to him like that?"
"Of course I can darling, he's not that scary."

Eren had escaped his "study" with Hange.
"H..hey. *huff* *huff* I'm here." Eren said breathlessly as he met you.
"Baby! What happened?" You asked him nervously
"I ran. For a mile, just to get back here." He replied with small gasps.
"Shh. It's okay. Calm down." You say softly,
After Eren's breathing no longer staggered, you found your way for baiting him.
You started to "tickle" him to get him to chase you.
He stared at you with an evil grin.
"Not ticklish there." He said playfully.
You got up and ran with fake squeaks, it was going well.
Eren followed you until you stopped dead in the doorway, causing him to halt with a scared look on his face.
"Look up." You day happily
Eren looked up and you pulled him back down, kissing him passionately.
You heard footsteps, but ignored them due to the perfect moment.
"Does he taste good?" Was whispered from behind you, causing you to pull back.
"What the- oh! Hi commander!" You beamed nervously
"Greetings, also Eren you're supposed to be with Hange right now. Care to explain?"
"Gotta go!"

You tried to get Armin's attention all day.
When he was reading a book:
"Not now, very good part"
Lunch time:
"Not now, I'm really hungry,"
Stable work:
"Not now, I'm feeding the horses."
Finally now:
"Not now-"
"I'm doing something, I know." You interrupt him sadly
You walked inside and went over to Sasha's bunk.
"He's been ignoring me all day, I don't know what happened to him." You say with a sigh
"Just do what I do with Conny, pretended to get hurt so he comes to help you." Sasha said with a sly smirk.
"Sasha!" You replied with a laugh. "It's so crazy it might work"
You saw Armin reading in the meeting room, next to your room. You put your trap in the doorway and sighed.
"Here goes nothing." You whispered to Sasha, whom was standing next to you.
You ran towards your bed, tripping over a book, hitting the bed, and falling on the floor. You accidentally knocked a picture frame off of the shelf, knocking you on the head hard and shattering
"GAAHHH!" You yelled in terror.
"(Y/n)! Are you okay??" Sasha asked you seriously "you took that too far." She whispered
You heard a chair screeching and footsteps pelting the floor.
You started to sit up weakly but was pushed back down softly. You looked up to see Armin's concerned face.
"Honeybee? Are you okay?" Armin asked you gently
"Well, despite tripping on a book, hitting the bed , my boyfriend ignoring me all day and having a picture frame drop on me so hard that it shatter, other than that I'm doing swell.
"I was ignoring you all day?" Armin asked you softly
"Yeah." You replied with a frown.
"Oh. Can I make you feel better?" Armin asked with a grin
You nodded as he slowly lifted you up from the ground, walking you over to the door way.
He smiled at you as you looked up, you had forgotten about your own trap.
Armin pulled you in close for a gentle kiss, you grinned as you put your arms around his neck.
He put his arms on your waist. You heard a throat clear and a small squeak.
You opened your eyes, pulled away, and saw Erwin standing there with a smile.
"Bad timing?" He chimed
"Uhh a bit." You replied
"Hange needs you in the lab, something about tests." Erwin said in a serious tone.
"Okay, see you later honeybee." Armin chimed
"See ya" you mumbled in a sad tone.
Armin left with Erwin and you were left with Sasha.
"That was our anniversary picture"
"Oh no.."

Take a look in the kitchen, Conny was preparing Christmas pudding for everybody.
You stood behind him while he was stirring a mixture in the pot.
You decided to tap him on the shoulder, allowing him to drop his spoon in the process.
"You scared me (y/n)" Conny said with his hand clutched over his heart.
"Mm. Sorry, look up though" you replied sweetly
"What? Why-" Conny was cut off by you pulling his head down and sweetly kissing him.
You heard bubbling, but just assumed it was the boiling.
A tap on Conny's shoulder had him pull away
"Your pot boiled over" Erwin's rough voice sounded.
"Shit!" Conny roared.
Purple liquid gushed out of the top of the pot in  bubbles and Conny tried to desperately stop it.
"Guess we aren't eating pudding are we (y/n)?"
"Shut up you guys!"

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