When you're scared

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Levi: CRASH, FLASH, BOOM. The three sounds that always made you scared out of your life. Levi was cleaning and you were helping. Everyone else was asleep.
CRASH. The sudden lightning strike made you jump, dropping your cleaner on the floor.
"Look at the mess you've made!" Levi says angrily
"Sorry heichou i..I'll clean it up." You respond shaken
"Thank you." Levi says
After you two finished scrubbing every inch of the mess hall you start to clean up your bedroom
"God what am I doing with my life." You say to your self. Stress cleaning, you hated your habit.
CRASH, BOOM, FLASH. Oh man the big three. And all at once.
"AGHHH!" You yell crying.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" Levi asks concerned.
He walks into your room and looks shocked
You sat in the middle of the room sobbing and the walls are covered in soap. There's buckets and sponges scattered.
"Did you fall?" Levi asks once again
You cry harder
"Oh I see. Come." Levi says reassuringly
You got up and sat on your bed trembling for dear life. Levi sat next to you.
You hide under the blankets and cry.
"Hey it's okay I'm here now. It can't hurt you." Levi says.
You snuggle closer to him and he sighs.
You eventually fall asleep in his arms.
Levi gets up to clean up the walls.
"Thank God that storm is over." Levi mumbles while rinsing off the soapy walls.
After the work was done he makes his way to the door.
You grab his arm
"Stay." You weakly manage
"Alright. If it will make you feel better" Levi replies
You both end up falling asleep in your bed
When morning rose two not-so-lucky intruders decided to peek inside your room.
"Awww how sweet!" Sasha whispered
"Let's not bother them." Conny replies
About 3 hours later you wake up and leave Levi in the bed. You make your way to the mess hall and everyone looks at you.
"Did you sleep well?" Sasha asks
"At about 4 am I did" you reply.
"Oh. Well it looked like it. You guys are so cute!" Conny replies
"We're What?!" You cry out.
"Yeah! The door was wide open! Who in the right mind wouldn't look in?" Sasha asks
"BRAUS, SPRINGER GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW!" A thunderous voice was heard from the hallway.
"Well we had our fun. It was nice knowing you (y/n)." Sasha says nervously
Muffled yelling was heard from down the hall
"Anyone got coffee?" You ask
"Yeah take some of mine." Reiner responds
"Thanks. This is going to be a long day." You groan

Dad was drunk, mom was yelling and you've had enough.
'Fourth time this month.' You thought as your mom and dad screamed about divorce.
End flashback
At dinner one topic lead to another and everyone was talking about why they joined the cadets. When they came to you they were shocked. Here's how it went out;
"(Y/n) why did you join the cadets?" Bertoldt (I hope to fuck I spelled that right.) asked
"Uh I..I.. I... I don't want to talk about it" you reply
"Pleeeeaaassee." Conny begs.
"It's not such a good story." You respond
"It can't be that bad." Reiner says.
"Oh trust me it is." You mumble.
Just thinking of the details made hot tears fall down your face. All of your friends turn to look at you and you look at them. Reiner looks at you suspiciously and you start to sob. You bury your head in your hands and just sit there. Everyone is shocked.
"I..I..I.. j..joined the c..cadets to g..get away from my p..parents." You say struggling for air
"If you don't want to tell us anymore you're okay (y/n). It's not okay to be hysterical like this." Armin responds
"It's okay.. w..well dad w..was always d..drunk and m..mom would a..always yell a..at him o..or me." You say still suffocating.
"Get her some water. Seriously look at her, she's turning purple" Armin says
Conny returns with some water and sits back down
You slowly drink the water but choke halfway through, spewing water on the floor. Sasha gets up and starts to walk down the hall.
"Where is she going?" You thought.
"I..I can't b..breathe Armin!" You cry out
"I know. We're trying to figure it out." Armin says
"I..I'm scared." You mumble
Sasha returns and behind her is Eren. You get up from the table and run to him. He puts his arms out and you fall into them sobbing.
"Let's give them privacy." Armin says and everyone gets up and leaves.
"What happened?" Eren asks concerned.
"M..mom and d..dad, bad m..memories, h..hysterical, couldn't b..breathe." You manage
"What's going on out here?" Levi asks from the side of the room
"S..sorry h..heichou i w..was j..just." You suck a deep breath in and pass out
"Get her to the medics, immediately." Levi orders
Eren carries you bridal style to the medics.
"What happened?" Medic asks while putting you on a breathing thing
"She was hysterical and just passed out from lack of oxygen." Eren replied
"She should be fine within 2-3 hours. Stay with her though. she will need support." Medic says
"Sounds fair" Eren replies
When you finally woke up horrid things followed. Later that night nightmares followed
"We can work through this honey." Your dad slurs while drunk
"No you drunk bastard! It's not us! It's (y/n)!" Your mom screams
"That little bitch. We should've had an abortion. In fact let's do it right now." You dad says taking a pocket knife out "any last words?"
"Bite me." You respond
With one slash you were killed. Throat slit, blood everywhere and you just lie on the floor
"Wake up please wake up" you said to yourself. But you wouldn't. Were you dead? No it can't be. "Wake up (y/n) you're dreaming." You say again.
Dad comes into view again and starts to stab you all over.
You wake up screaming and crying.
Levi comes into your room with a lantern "D you know what time it is (l/n)? Get your ass in gear!"
"Heichou please go get Jager..." you say weakly
"Only if it'll shut you up.." Levi says as he walks out sighing.
Eren comes running into the room and you're just sitting there sobbing
"Shh it's okay. Nothing can hurt you now." Eren says as he hugs you. Later, you fall asleep, having a better dream than before
"(Y/n) get over here." Your dad slurs.
"Yes dad?" You reply sheepishly heeding to his command.
"You piece of shit, why were you born?" Your dad says preparing a hand to slap you. Eren stops him and starts beating the shit out of him.
"Get him Eren." You say in your sleep
Eren simply laughs silently and lets you sleep

In the 59th (don't quote me you know this by now) expedition the female Titan and you were not very tight. She was constantly trying to kill you. Eat, check. Squish, check, stomp, check. All of them were done already. You were in Armin's squadron and followed him on your horse. The female Titan approaches you with... a Titan killing blade? One tap into the finger will kill you.
"Stay close (y/n)" Armin orders
"She and I are not on the best terms so I'll stay very close." You reply.
Armin laughs and you start to tremble
"What if she does kill me? Will she ever get caught? Will we know her identity?" You thought to yourself.
Female drops down and picks you up. Ready to slice you open with the blade.
"Stay calm (y/n)" Armin says
You thought she would run when she saw scouts but she still tried, the blade was slowly piercing your palm
"Help me somebody! Please!" You cry. Armin was long gone by now and you'd be a pile of skin, blood and bones by the time be the female was done.
You sent up a purple flare with the free hand you had and immediate responses were given. Armin swung in to knock you and the blade out of her hands.
Armin shoots up the black flare for abnormal.
You two have your horses at a full sprint as you escape the female. She runs off in the other direction. You start to get dizzy.
"Armin I need gauze or something" you say panicking.
"I've got nothing. I'm sorry" Armin responds
You faint and fall off of your horse. That's when Armin notices you've been seeping out blood. He checks your pulse and looks for something to cover you with.
Sasha comes riding into your squadron and brings you some bandages.
When you get back to HQ everything turns out okay.
You and Armin are stressed to the max. You sit on a bench outside of hq and Armin sits next to you. You end up falling asleep on Armin's shoulder. He falls asleep as well. You wake up in the morning to see his smiling face.
"What a day."
"No kidding."
So tired I've been up since 12;30 with a thunderstorm and a terrier puppy🙂🙃🙃
Edited 7/17/19

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