Your Ex crashes the reception part 2

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Y'all lucky I can't sleep. Some douchebag is setting off fireworks, fucking red necks. So I have my Guns n Roses and Pray for The Wicked on. In celebration of s3 on Crunchyroll, here's a chapter. Next chapter will be 3 honeymoon chapters. You and your husband fuck in the last one. You're welcome

You stepped inside of the large room you rented for your wedding reception. You inhaled, took your husband's hand and sighed.
Everything was as it should be, white table clothes, flowers in the middle, a big ass buffet table and a table for you and Armin to sit at.
You guided Armin to the table and sat down. You both heard clinking and you smiled,
"What's that?" Armin asked.
"It's a sign in my family, whenever they clink the glass the couple has to kiss." You replied happily
Armin leaned into you and your lips locked, you smiled as you pulled apart.
"I could get used to that." He said happily.
After a great meal it was time to cut the cake, you and Armin moved over to the little cart it was on.
You and Armin are holding the knife in your hands,Preparing to cut the cake.
Next thing you know, a familiar face is taking chunks out of it and throwing it at the two of you.
"Just go away (E/N)." Armin said with a sigh.
You had buttercream your hair, pink dye on your dress and tears in your eyes.
"Don't cry my love, I'm sorry he's here." Armin said as he took your hand.
"Take him out," you ordered.
"What!" (E/n) yelped
"You heard me." You were glaring daggers at him. "Commander, Captain, take. him. out." You said in a stern voice.
"As you wish." Levi replied
Erwin and Levi pushed the crowd as a deranged (E/N) rolled up his sleeves.
"Let's go, Runt." (E/n) growled.
Levi rolled his eyes, took the brat by his shirt and kicked him out the door. Literally.
"Finally, He was making my OCD tingle." Levi groaned.
You and Armin smiled as you both cut the nice portion of the cake.

You and Conny had been loving every moment of the reception! Your family was as joyful as the two of you. Life was good, until (E/n) showed up again.
"Look who's back." You whispered as you tugged on Conny's overcoat.
"Shit." He replied as he held you closer.
(E/n) approached the two of you, with his arms up.
"I come on Peace." He says cooly. "I'm just coming to say that I am sorry for my behavior at the ceremony, I understand that you two are happy now. Well, I'm happy too." (E/n) said with a slight smile.
"Well, thank you for understanding." You say as you take your ex into a hug.
"I have found someone (Y/N)!" He announces as he holds your shoulders.
"I'm so happy for you!" You cry.
"Thank you for inviting me here, I never would have found her." (E/N) said as he started to leave.
You turned back to Conny.
"It seems suspicious." You both say in unison.
"Well even then, I'm happy he'll be out of our hair." Conny said with a smile.
You two carried on and watches (E/N) with his new girlfriend.

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