You May Now Kiss The Bride

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After everything had been settled, you and Levi had been through the entire ceremony. The priest came upon the final words and you started panicking.
"You May now kiss the bride"
Levi pulled you in and all of your troubles melted away.
"I want cake now."
"Yeah well we need to eat first brat"

The priest looked red in the face, it was hot as balls in the room.
" may now k..kiss the b-" he fell over.
You gave Eren a quick smooch and helped the priest to his feet.
"So that just happened. Thank you (y/n)"
"Anytime." You reply
Eren looked at you in suspicion, "I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. That was the most pitiful kiss I've ever received."
You roll your eyes and passionately kissed him.
"That's more like it."
"Oh ha ha."

Is was hotter than the knobs of hell in the room and your hair was bigger than Jean's ego.
The priest continued nonchalantly and you prayed for the wedding to be over
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
Armin pulled you close and kissed you softly
You pulled apart and you were panting.
"Was it That good?"
"No.. It's hot as balls in here"
"Hmm. Guess I'll have to show you something better."
He dipped you on the altar and kissed you roughly

The priest rambled on as you bit your lip nervously, you were about to marry your best friend.
"Are you okay?" Conny whispered.
Shit he had noticed your nerves.
"M'fine." You replied
You'd been more focused on spacing out and trying to stay calm that you missed your cue.
Conny pulled you close and your lips connected softly
He pulled back and you were smiling. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled.
"We did it."
"Wait till the kids come along."
"Relax not now."

Omg guys I am SOOOOO sorry.
Here's what's been going down
4 weeks ago: coaching session
3: retreat
2: coaching again (its competition season)
1: bday party

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