Chapter three - Mrs Hudson.

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"What do you do all day for fun?" Sherlock asks. I look up from my laptop and raise an eyebrow. John had left for work an hour a go and I can only assume he's bored.

"I go on my laptop."

"And you just sit there?" He gestured his hand to the sofa, "All day. With your laptop?"

"Well... sometimes I lay in bed."

He rolled his eyes, "That's boring."

I shrugged.

"Do you not have an interesting job?"


"Then how to you pay the rent with John?"

"I did have a job. But my boss was a dick so I quit. Luckily, that day John got put in a better position at work and can afford more things now."

"You should still help with the the rent." He muttered.

"Oh, well sorry mum. If it makes you feel better then I help buy the food and stuff."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, before changing the subject. "So I'm guessing John's still a doctor."


Then it fell silent, again.

"I got to go and talk to Lestrade." Sherlock spoke and practically jumped of the sofa.

"What? No, that's a bad idea!"

"Why?" He asked while putting on his coat, "Because I was dead?"

"Yes! Jesus, he'll get the police on you or... the ghost busters!" I panicked, and ghost busters was the first thing that came to mind.

"He cant arrest me for pretending to be dead." He said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"No, but lets not forget you were supposed to be arrested before you ran off with John and declared you were a fake before you 'jumped' off of a building."

"They'll be over that by now. They figured out I wasn't a fake anyway, didn't you read the news?" He spoke, then sighed in annoyance, "Goodbye, Holland."

And with that, he was out the door.

John works until six now. As I said, better position and stuff. And at the moment it was two in the afternoon and I didn't know what time Sherlock would be back. So I guess I was here by myself for awhile unless Mrs Hudson paid a visit.

Speaking of Mrs Hudson, about three or more hours later I heard a deathly scream come from the front door. I pulled my earphones out and set my laptop aside and came rushing downstairs towards Mrs Hudson who faced the wall in tears. I looked at the door and saw that Sherlock had just walked in, which thinking about it, is probably why she was crying.

"Are you okay Mrs Hudson?" I asked and placed my hand on her back comfortingly as I tried to get her to respond.

"I swear Sherlock Holmes just walked through that door! I'm seeing things, honestly!" I pulled her small frame into a hug and she sobbed on my shoulder. I feel sorry for her, she must be so confused.

"Basically," I started, "Sherlock faked his death and now he has returned from the so called land of the dead."

"W-what?" She stuttered and looked around at the tall man watching us both, "...How?"

"Beats me." I chuckle, trying to lighten things up. I couldn't give her answers, because Sherlock didn't even give us any answers yet. " I know how this must feel. Have a nap or something and we'll explain everything after, alright?"

She couldn't even talk at this moment, poor woman. She wiped a tear on her cheek and managed to nod at me before walking into her apartment. I turned on my heels to face Sherlock and sighed.

"Nice entrance."

"She was just standing there. I can't see through walls, I didn't know she was there." He remarked before going up the stairs and into our apartment. Well, the one he is currently staying in. I followed after him.

"So... what did Greg say?"



"Oh, he punched me."

"Reasonable." I commented, not shocked by the fact that Greg gave Sherlock a bloody bottom lip. I sat next to him on the sofa, "Then what?"

"I explained why I did what I did and he understood but I think he's still in shock so I just left him my number in case he needs my help on a case."

"He's not just going to ask you to join him on a case like nothing's happened."

"Why are you calm?" Sherlock questioned, wiping his bottom lip from the cut Greg gave him.


"You. Everyone's surprised that I'm back but you're here making me tea and having a somewhat decent conversation with me."

"Well I never knew you, so at the moment you're like a guest". I smiled warmly at him, "Can't someone be nice?"

"Mhm." He mumbled and looked towards the wall. "Do you think he believes I was a fake? John, I mean."

"No." I said soothingly. I can tell he was upset too, "Are you a fake?"


"Well then."

Suddenly, the man of the hour John walks through the door and pulls his coat off, hanging it on the coat rack.

"You're back early."

"Yes, I am."


"They said I was done for the day."

"Oh. But its only five?"

"Someone else is taking over my role as for today. Boss said I need to take a break because apparently I'm talking to patients 'aggressively' and I need to 'chill.'"

"Well, its okay, don't worry about it. Go lay down for a while." I suggested.

He looked at Sherlock and nodded, "Yeah, I might sleep for a while"


I heard the faint noise of an TV playing from downstairs. I looked at the time on my phone and furrowed my eyebrows together. It was obviously Sherlock as he had to sleep on the sofa. But why is he not asleep? It's two in the morning!

I told myself not to, since I don't want to be too kind to this man. But I'm a kind person and decided to get up and look in my wardrobe for my throw-overs. I found an red fleece and folded it up before slowly creeping towards the living room, not wanting to bother Sherlock.

"What do you want, Holland?"

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked and walked closer to the sofa before sitting on it.

"Why would it be John?"

"Good point."

"What do you want?"

"Well, uh, you must be cold." I said, looking at him in his white shirt and normal black trousers.  "I brought you a fleece"

"That's... kind of you." He said, still keeping his voice quiet, "Thank you."

I smiled and placed the fleece on the sofa space next to him before standing up and making my way back to bed.

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