Chapter thirty four - CAM.

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After Sherlock had his bath and was dressed in black trousers and a white shirt with his jacket, he walked into the living room and was met with our bemused facial expressions. John is perched on the edge of the coffee table and im sitting on the sofa.

"So – it’s just a guess but you’ve probably got some questions."

"Yeaahh, one or two, pretty much."

"Naturally." Sherlock responds. Sherlock turned and looked towards the kitchen then me and John follow his gaze. Janine, now fully dressed, walked into the bedroom. Sherlock smiled and sits down in his chair.

"You have a girlfriend?" John inquires. Sherlock glanced towards him.

"Yes, I have."

"Oh, you have?!" I snap, not really believing this. Sherlock and John look at me. John just seems confused and Sherlock carry's on with his discussion.

"Now, Magnussen. Magnussen is like a shark – it’s the only way I can describe him. Have you ever been to the shark tank at the London Aquarium, John – stood up close to the glass? Those floating flat faces, those dead eyes...That’s what he is. I’ve dealt with murderers, psychopaths, terrorists, serial killers. None of them can turn my stomach like Charles Augustus Magnussen."

"Yes, you have."

Sherlock looks at John with confusion, "Sorry, what?"

"You have a girlfriend."

"What? Yes! Yes, I’m going out with Janine. I thought that was fairly obvious."

I squint my eyes and stare at him. He meets my eyes then looks away.

"Yes. Well ... yes." John cleared his throat, "But I mean you, you, you ... are in a relationship?"

Sherlock blinks at him, "Yes, I am."

"You and Janine?"

"Mmm, yes. Me and Janine."

"Care to elaborate?" I ask. Sherlock draws in a long breath and looks up thoughtfully, then puffs out his cheeks as he breaths out again.

"Well, we’re in a good place. It’s, um..." He looks down thoughtfully again then turns to John, "... very affirming."

"You got that from a book." I speak. Sherlock looks at me blankly.

"Everyone got that from a book."

John looks round and smiles as Janine comes into the room, she seems uncomfortable when she see's mine and Sherlock's glances, but smiles nonetheless. "Okay, you two bad boys... and girl. behave yourselves." Sherlock smiles happily at her as she sits down on the arm of his chair. He puts his arm round her as she turns and leans close to his face, "And you, Sherl, you’re gonna have to tell me where you were last night."

"Working." He smiles at her. Me and John stare at them, and my mouth has literally reached the floor.

"“Working”. Of course. I’m the only one who really knows what you’re like, remember?"

I snigger. Yeah, of course.

"Don't you go letting on." Sherlock says softly to her. He gently tuns his finger down the tip of her nose, then lays is hand on her arm. They stare deeply into each other's eyes. Im still unable to believe what im seeing. I was pretty god damn sure he despises all of this stuff.

"I might just, actually." She softly reply's back, she then looks at John, "I haven’t told Mary about this. I kind of wanted to surprise her."

"Yeah, you probably will." John said.

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