Chapter thirteen - Bonfire and rats.

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"I like these chips. These are nice chips."

"I know." Sherlock said, taking a chip from the bag and eating it.

"So, you going to let me help with the case?"

"You've been solving cases all day."

"I mean the terrorist organisation one."

He sent me a strange look, "Why would you want to help me with that?"

I wasn't sure what to say. I wanted to tell him that I liked solving cases with him, and that he was a fun person to be around and that I secretly liked the rush of it all. And he looked at me like I was mental. Did anyone really like solving crimes with him or was that just me? Because, I mean, he can be a bit of an arsehole, but he's still nice. I shrug, and ate another chip, "I'm bored."

"Oh. Sure, okay then."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Why do you like solving crimes so much? I mean, you did get held at gun point. Didn't that put you off?"

"Nah, I think they're rather fun." I replied and chewed another chip. He smiled slightly and took a chip out the bag we were sharing and ate it. We then heard someone enter the flat, and as soon as they spoke to Mrs Hudson I knew who it was. 

"Mary? What's wrong?" Sherlock asks. 

Mary took her phone from her pocket, "Someone sent me this. At first I thought it was just a Bible thing, you know, spam, but it's not. It's a skip-code." We both look at her closely before turning our attention to her phone. The message said:

'Save souls now!
John or James Watson?
Saint or Sinner?
James or John?
The more is Less?'

"First word, then every third. Save ... John ... Watson."

I nod to show them I understood what was happening. The rest of the message ciphered says:

'Saint James The Less'

"Now!" Sherlock said urgently and dropped our chips onto the floor before racing down the stairs. Me and Mary glanced at each other before following Sherlock downstairs and onto the street.


The next day I was walking from my friend, Mike Stamford's home. I had met up with him to let him know John was okay. He made me a cup of tea and I stayed awhile so we could catch up. After a while I told him I had to go since I told Sherlock I wouldn't be long.

I finally got into the flat and entered 221B, seeing Sherlock sitting down with two people. Clients, I think.

He see's me and shoots up, walking over to the couple, "You need to leave."

"Its fine, I'll leave if I'm interrupting." I tell him, and turn my body around towards the door.

"Don't be silly, dear. You are not interrupting!" The woman smiled, "Who are you, may I ask? I've never seen you before." 

I raise my eyebrow. What client would ask me that? I look to Sherlock and see he looks embarrassed.

"I'm just a friend, and you?"

"Just a friend, huh?" She says and and smiles widely, "I'm Sherlock's mother. And this lazy sod here is his father."

"Hi." The man smiled and waved. My smile grew on my face. Wow, his parents! People i thought i would never meet!

"You need to go now." Sherlock tells them. His mother scoffs, but his father just chuckles.

"Are you embarrassed? Is she your girlfriend?" His father asks jokingly.

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