Chapter twenty four - Drugged.

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The next morning I woke up to Sherlock playing the violin. I smiled against my pillow and lifted my head to look at the ceiling. It was a song I didn't recognize, so I thought maybe he wrote it during the night while I was sleeping. I got out of bed and pulled a grey sweater over my top, since it was quite cold. I didn't have pajamas, I just slept in a comfy top and joggers.

I opened my door and entered the kitchen, putting the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea. I looked at Sherlock who was still playing his violin in the living room, "Do you want one?"

"We have no milk."

"Oh." My face fell, then I switched the kettle off, walked into the living room and sat on the arm chair facing the window to watch Sherlock play, "You better get some then."

"You get some."

"I just woke up though." I frowned. He stopped playing and put his violin down.

"I didn't say you have to go now."

I didn't know what else to say so I got up and turned the TV on. Sherlock walked over and turned it off.


"No. Im not going through the morning watching Doctor Who again."

"I didn't say you have to watch it."

He rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen. Guess that means I can watch Doctor Who then. I turned the TV and put netflix on. I was going through a marathon where I watched all the seasons, and a couple of nights ago I had finished watching the seasons with David Tennant in. I clicked on season five, episode one 'The Eleventh Hour' but not even five minutes into the program I heard Sherlock start moaning. I groaned and turned around to see him, "What now?"

"Did you move the toe nails that I put in the freezer?"

"...You had toe nails in the freezer?"

"I put them in the ice cube tray so that they would freeze in the water."


"It was for an experiment!" Sherlock hissed and started ramming through the freezer again, "I bet Mrs. Hudson moved them."

"You need to get out more." I muttered, but he didn't hear me. He shut the freezer and groaned loudly. I rolled my eyes, and looked over to the open laptop on the dining table and saw that John was skying. I grinned, paused the TV and went over and sat on the wooden chair at the dining table then answered his call.


"Hi." He smiled through the camera, "Im in reception at the moment, good connection. Mary's just gone to get a bottle of water."

"What time is it there?" I asked, "It's like nine in the morning here."

"It's two in the afternoon." He replied, "Where's Sherlock?"

I moved out the way of the camera to show him Sherlock, who was still looking for the toe nails.

"What's he doing?"

"He lost his toe nail ice cubes."

"Im not even going to ask."

"Best not." I chuckled, "Sherlock! Come 'ere, John's want's to see you."

Sherlock snapped his head towards us then made his way towards us. He looked into the camera, "How's your sex holiday John?"

"For the last time, Sherlock, its not a sex holiday!"

"So, um, how you doing?" I asked, John smiled as Mary approached him.

"It's good, thank you. And you?"

I smiled at him, but didn't answer as Mary came into view and greeted us.

"Holland, Sherlock, hi!" 

"Hello Mary." Sherlock greeted back in his low voice, "How's your sex holiday?"

I mentally face palmed my face. This guy literally never gets up on trying to annoy people. Mary just smiled sarcastically, "Why? You jealous?"

Sherlock's face fell, and me and John started to laugh. Sherlock's facial expression stayed blank and he decided to move out of the camera and made his way back to the kitchen. I calmed down with my laughter.

"I think you hurt his feelings." I was still giggling. 

"Oh so he was jealous?"

"I am not jealous!" Sherlock called. We all started to laugh again for a good couple of minutes before finally calming down. I wiped a tear from my eye.

"I miss you guys."

"When I get back im taking you on a shopping spree. I'll drag you if I have too, I need some new shoes!"

"Oh dear lord, if we must."

"We have to go now, snacks are open and we can't bring the ipad. I'll call tomorrow okay?" John said. I nodded slightly.

"Okay, bye!"

They said bye then they hung up. I shut the laptop lid and then turned around to see Sherlock typing away on his phone. I sat up and walked into my room to get ready. I was only going out to get some milk, so debated if i should really bother getting dressed and just go to the shop like this. But then again, some events might happen later on in the day. What happens if a client comes?

I chose to wear a plain, white top with black, skinny jeans. I then put my grey cardigan over it and zipped it up. I put on my shoes and left my room, making my way downstairs before calling, "Getting some milk!"

I didn't hear a reply back, so I just left and made my way down the road to the shop. I checked my pocket to see if I had my money, which I had, luckily. I felt rain starting to drop on my face and sighed quietly. Must it always rain when I leave the house?

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt something sharp go into my neck. I felt my body stiffen and I went to fight my attacker, but felt to weak. Did they inject me with something? My vision blurred, didn't any locals see what happened? Why is no one helping me?

"Shh." The man soothingly whispered, then pick me up bridal style and walked me to what I presume was his car, or maybe it was a van, "Don't panic."

Then my vision blurred out, and darkness filled my eyes.

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