Chapter fourteen - The empty hearse.

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Shortly afterwards Howard Shilcott, the person who showed us the disappearing man on the train, was sitting in his living room and wearing his bobble hat. He was Skypeing with me and the boys on his laptop while me, Sherlock and John frantically search through maps and papers on the table at 221B.

"There's nothing down there, Mr Holmes, I told you. No sidings, no ghost stations." The voice of Howard says from the laptop speakers. Sherlock turned the laptop around so we could see the screen,

"There has to be. Check again."

"Look, this whole area is a big mess of old and new stuff. Charing Cross is made up of bits of older stations like Trafalgar Square, Strand-" Sherlock cuts John off.

"No, it's none of those. We've accounted for those."

"I hate maps." I groan. Sherlock looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"St Margaret's Street, Bridge Street, Sumatra Road, Parliament Street-"

Howard took the pom pom of his hat he was chewing out of his mouth, "Hang on, hang on. Sumatra Road. You mentioned Sumatra Road, Mr. Holmes, there is something. I knew it rang a bell. There was a station down there. "

"Why wasn't it on the maps?" I asked. 

"Cause it was closed before it ever opened."


Howard holded a book to the camera to show the relevant page, "They built the platforms, even the staircases, but it all got tied up in legal disputes, so they never built the station on the surface." Then he grinned, and points to the appropriate spot on the page. 

"It's right underneath the Palace of Westminster." Sherlock mumbled to himself.

"And so what's down there? A bomb?" John questioned. But we never got an answer as Sherlock just walked away and out off 221B. Me and John looked at each other before grabbing our coats and hurrying after him. Before I left, I shut the laptop screen to cut Howard off the call. There was no point in him staying on now just to stare at an empty flat.


The three of us walked briskly along the road near the Houses of Parliament and headed to the stairs leading down into Westminster station. We walked across the concourse, through the ticket barries and along the corridors.

"So it's a bomb, then? A Tube carriage is carrying a bomb?" I question.

"Must be." Sherlock replies.

"Right." John takes his glove of his one hand and takes his phone from his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"Calling the police."

"What? No!" Sherlock snaps at John. I squint my eyes at him for a second.

"What? We have to, this is a bomb were talking about."

"Holland is right. Sherlock, this isn't a game. They need to evacuate Parliament."

"They'll get in the way. They always do. This is cleaner, more efficient." Sherlock tells us and stops at a locked maintenance entrance. He reached into his coat and takes out crowbar before starting to force the gate open. I would have laughed at the fact that he carried a crowbar in his pocket if this wasn't such a serious matter. Is his pocket like, bigger on the inside? Is it the Tardis?

I just roll my eyes, "And illegal."

"A bit." Sherlock looks up to me for a second with a slight smirk. Finally, the gate opens and we go inside. Sherlock pulled the gate closed behind us before we took our flashlights out and start to walk down into the maintenance tunnels. I looked to my left and saw John checking his phone again. Sherlock doesn't even turn around, before saying- "What are you doing?"

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