Chapter 18

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Chloe woke up to a mess of brown hair in her face. She frantically got up, waking the brunette that was laying on top of her.
"What's wrong, Chlo?" Beca asked, concerned.
"Where are the kids?" Chloe said. They had fallen asleep on the couch.
"Reuben?!" Beca called.
"We're upstairs." He called back.
"They're upstairs." Beca said to Chloe, who gave Beca an,"I know that now." look.
They went upstairs to see Avery and Reuben sitting on the floor of Reuben's bedroom, playing Mouse Trap.
"Hey guys!" Beca said. "Can we play?"
"Sure, Mom!" Avery said.
Beca smiled at the sound of Avery calling her mom.
Chloe and Beca sat down with them and they played Mouse Trap together. Reuben won, so Beca agreed to cook his favorite food, macaroni and cheese. She wasn't going to complain, she loved mac' and cheese, but it made Chloe's stomach upset. She remembered from college, she made easy mac in the microwave and Chloe was up all night.
They ate together as a family. Chloe decided against the mac' and cheese and ate oatmeal instead.
"So how was everyone's day?" Chloe asked.
"Today we made hand turkeys!" Reuben said.
"I made mine pink!" Avery said.
Beca was right, Avery was a mini Chloe.
"That's great!" Beca said.
"Did you know that they ate deer at the first Thanksgiving?" Reuben asked.
"Ew, I don't even want to talk about that." Avery said.
"What are we doing for Thanksgiving?" Reuben asked.
"I don't know. What do you think, Mom?" Chloe asked.
"Hmm... I was thinking we could go to Mommy's parents house since I have never met them before. What do you guys think?" Beca said. Chloe and Beca enjoyed calling each other "Mom" and "Mommy".
"Want to watch a movie tonight?" Chloe asked the kids.
"Yes!" They both said.
They sat on the couch and watched a movie together. Chloe loved being with Beca, Reuben and Avery. She loved her new family.

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