Chapter 2

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Ethan P.O.V.

i walked into red moons high school with my friends Daniel, Hunter, and Aiden behind me and immediately smell a mouth watering smell of honey and roses but i was faint until i couldn't smell it anymore i huffed in annoyance when my wolf (Luke) started talking gibberish that i couldn't understand. As me and my crew walk through the hall we get hungry and envious stares, and me being me i smirked but didn't pay much attention to the girls because i was here for one purpose only and if my purpose wasn't here i would move on

My Purpose MY MATE   

5th block

Aerin P.O.V. 

I walked into 5th block with my head down, while getting paper balls thrown at me with nasty insults from pack members and humans i went and sat in my seat in the way back so i wont get noticed and put my head down. 

Ethan P.O.V. 

Me and the boys walked inside of 5th block and i smelled the wonderful smell again and my head snapped to the back of the class where i saw a girl with her head down and a empty seat beside her. when i sat beside her she smelled the air gasped and looked up at me in a daze

(Ethan-e, Aerin-A)

E: HI mate, whats your name?

A: uhh....Aerin i sorry yea my name is Aerin

E:beautiful name for a beautiful girl 

she blushed and looked down trying to hide, i took my finger and lifted her face with it about to talk to her before i got rudely interrupted by a high screech

Ashely: Eathy  why are you talking to this fat whore instead of your beautoful girlfriend across the room 

Aerin moved her head and put her head back down while i got heated because this slut just insulted my mate in front of me i felt Luke trying to be in control but i handled it myself

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Aerin moved her head and put her head back down while i got heated because this slut just insulted my mate in front of me i felt Luke trying to be in control but i handled it myself

E: You will  not disrespect my mate and future Luna Queen i demand you to get on the floor and kiss her feet 

i said with a smirk as the class suddenly got quiet and was watching the 3 of us shoot even the teacher woke up and my mate had her head up looking at me.


E:NOW!........Come here mate

Aerin P.O.V. 

I slowly  got up and cautiously walked over to Ethan making sure it wasn't a trap i suddenly got pulled down by Ethan into his lap as i looked at him i suddenly felt shaking  hands touching my feet as i looked down to see Ashley my biggest bully Kissing MY feet. When i looked back at Ethan he was already looking at me and playing with my hair lovingly like there was noting going on he looked at me and understood my stare

E:STOP...i will handle you later.... you are dismissed 

Ashley jumped to her feet and ran out the class room with her barbie friends behind her as i attempted to get back to my seat Ethan sat me back down on his lap and wrapped his arms securely around my waist and we sat like that until the end of class. 

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