Chapter 23

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Day #3 of the Somebody to love me Marathon

Aerin P.O.V.

After i broke eye contact with Jack me and Ethan walked to the back of the class where tyler was seated waiting for us 

i sat down beside Tyler and Ethan sat on the other side of me

the whole class i could feel jacks eyes watching me during out last 35 mins i asked to go to the bathroom

After i did what i had to do in the bathroom i was walking back to class when i was slammed into lockers close by i looked up and saw Jack 

J: you know baby sis i'v always had a crush on you sometimes at night i used to sneak in your room and watch you come with me your true mate those bums don't have to know, you were mines from the start.

???: Oh really now

i looked up and saw Ethan and Tyler  well i should say Matthew and Luke

Me: Thank god

L: Look Jack right me and matt here would like for you to get your hands off of our mate or we would have to do something that we would regret

J: Nigga please, like what

all of a sudden Matthew eyes turn all white and jack hand let go of my neck and he fell to the floor howling in pain

I quickly ran to Luke, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and starts to whisper in my ear

Matthew P.O.V.

While i was strangling this pathetic excuse of an wolf i heard my mate telling me to stop

Me: But why he was almost dead

A: I know but won't you like to kill him using tools?

Me and Luke looked at each  other and smirked

Me: Of course but you have to let Leania help

A: I would't have it any other way

Luke P.O.V.

While Aerin, Tyler and I were walking back towards my truck i mind linked Hunter and Daniel to get Jack and put him in the hole since Aiden was with his new mate.

to all of my readers please go and follow my girl 803_kennedy thanks my little puffs

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