Chapter 29

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Ethan P.O.V.

Today I wake up early to cook breakfast for my family before we leave for the day. So today we are going to Six Flags for a family outing since me and Tyler have been dealing with Alpha and King-To-Be duties.

After I woke up I got dressed and headed  to the kitchen on our floor of the pack house.

45 Mins later 

After I finished putting the food our plates and placed them on the island. I saw Aerin ,  Tyler, and my babies coming down the hallway dressed.

Me: Good Morning 

E/B: Good Morning

Me: Ok, eat up we leave in  30

E/B: Ok

35 Mins later 

Aerin P.O.V.

After we all got into the family truck with the boys in the front while I sat in the back with the kids playing. We started our journey towards Six Flags.

4 Hrs later

(Still Aerin P.O.V.)

We just pulled up to the Six Flags parking lot, parked, and  got the kids out of the truck then we started walking towards the entrance where we had to get pat down for weapons.

While I was waiting to get pat down somebody tapped on my shoulder I turned around and saw my old packs soon-to-be beta.......Johnathan. Fear grew in my eyes and he smirked at me,

J: Excuse me m'am, I have to pat you down for weapons.

Me: oh..I'm not comfortable wi-

J: come on I don't bite.

Me: O-ok 

When he started to pat me down he started down my legs and let his hands linger close to my womanhood I closed my eyes as tears built  up in them, while his hands moved to my waist  and he dragged them up my stomach to my breast where he groped them.

And he whispered in my ear

J: well well well Aerin may I say you have gotten thicker since you up and ran off with your mates you just left me in my punishments alone... Babygirl i missed putting my marks on your sex-

Before he finished his sentence two deadly growls ripped through the tent  

He stopped and Ethan pulled me away to his chest moving towards the kids while Tyler beat him up.

After Tyler finished we all walked through the gate to start our family outing.

5 Hrs later

We just got off of a water slide and was headed to a Ice Cream parlor since we were hot in our bathing suits.

While we were walking towards one of the parlor booths I bumped into this White male and felt a pain flow through my arms.

Tyler P.O.V. 

While we were walking towards our booth Aerin bumped into this dude and I felt this sharp pain run along my arm, I guess Ethan felt it too because he was rubbing the same arm I was.....Who is this dude?

Aerin P.O.V.

When I looked up at the dude i bumped into I saw his eyes turn from Brown to purple and i felt my eyes change also.

Then he whispered No......

Who is this dude??

Ethan P.O.V.

Since everybody is saying it 

Who is this dude?

Author Note 

Since I haven't been updating like II am supposed to i tried to make this chapter as long as i could just for you guys i hoped you enjoyed. expect another update this week!! 


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