Chapter 16

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Aerin P.O.V.

When Ethan's parents came up to us i was so nervous but his mom pulled me into a gigantic hug like we knew each other i just laughed and patted her back awkwardly

???: hunny get off the girl before you kill her

she pulls back and smiles gently at me 

???:  Im sorry but i am so excited and you are so ethy poo has a beautiful mate....oh my Name is Carol and my husband name is Julian it is very nice to meet you

A: it is very nice to meet you too Mrs.-

C: no no call me mom Mrs. makes me sound old

J: you are

carol glares at him

J: not hun duh lets sit down.....oh and it is very nice to meet you

i laughed as they walked away

A:  they have characters

T: oh tell me about it what do you say ethy poo

E: say it again tywer...if only your parents were here 

T: they are unfortunately on the way 

After we sat down we talked to each other  until there was a loud knock on the palace door

C: i will get it 

Carol came back with a pale looking lady and man the lady had medium length blonde locks that were hanging down her back she was extremely tall and was wearing a white dress that was tight around her waist and chest area and flowed past her knees and she was wearing a pair of white heels that made her look taller than she was.  The man beside her was equally tall and pale with brown hair that was slicked back, he had a slight stubble on his chin and beautiful blue eyes, he was wearing a button up shirt that complemented his muscles and a pair of slacks with brown shoes.

Carol basically drug the lady to where we were sitting she hugged Tyler and Ethan and then said the rudest thing ever 

???: so where is the so-called-mate and why is their a slave sitting at the table are you not supposed to be in the kitchen with the rest of the omegas or your family cooking?

T: MOTHER.....this is mines and Ethan's beautiful mate Aerin 

???: oh she has the both of you........slut

A: ok look lady i don't know you and you don't know me and for the safety of my fist and your face i advise that we keep it that way and you keep your big mouth closed

after that i turned to Ethan's parents 

A: i had a some what wonderful time and it was nice meeting you too 

then i turned to my mates and kissed their cheeks

A: i will be on our floor if you need me..... good night everyone

after that i walked off like a boos went to our floor changed into a sport bra and boy shorts and took my butt to sleep.

Ethan's parents 

Ethan's parents 

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Tyler's Parents

Tyler's Parents

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