Chapter 9

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Tyler P.O.V.

5 days later

it's been 5  days since Aerin got beat unconscious, 4 days since we found out who  did it, 3 days since Aerin breathing got stronger, 2 days since they took her off the life machine, and 1 day since  me  and Ethan has ate anything the doctor said that she would be waking up any hour i can't wait

we also figured that Aerin would want to give  out the punishment to her abusers so we kept them in the cells getting beat half to Death everyday just for our fun and their punishment until Aerin wakes up

5 hrs later

Ethan P.O.V.

while me and Tyler was on either side of Aerin we both felt her hands twitch we looked up and made eye contact 

that's when she opened her eyes and looked at us me and Tyler took our turns kissing her soft lips that we missed the most with me going first 

after we finished i went and got the pack doctor to tell her that Aerin was up

Aerin P.O.V.

when Ethan came back with the pack doctor she checked my temperature, vitals, and reflexes after she  got finished with my check up she explained when to use my pain killers and after that she left to go and get my discharge papers so i could leave.

Tyler pulled out a big duffle bag and  told  me to go into the bathroom and change it took me awhile but i eventually got them to let me change by myself  

when i looked in the duffle bag Tyler packed me some comfortable clothes to leave with 

when i looked in the duffle bag Tyler packed me some comfortable clothes to leave with 

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after i got dressed i brushed through my hair and put it in a high ponytail 

after i walked back into the room the boys were going through my discharged papers when i cam out their heads snapped back in my direction i looked at them weirdly until  i was suddenly sandwiched between my 2 mates and their noses stuffed in my neck smelling my sent 

we were interrupted when one of the old nurses came into the room with a wheelchair 

E: thank you mam but we wont be needing that 

i was about to look back a Ethan when i was picked up and Ethan put his arms around the back of my knees and my back while i laid my arms around his neck and breathed his scent until i fell into a deep slumber.

sorry i updated late i just got home sad right well that's school for u 

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