Chapter 11

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Aerin  P.O.V.

I woke up this morning in the bed by myself i opened my eyes to see Tyler in his vampire speed packing our bags, i sat up in bed which caused Tyler to turn around

T: Good morning love 

A: Good morning, wheres Ethan and what are you doing?

T: well, Ethan is calling his private jets for our trip back to his kingdom on Sunday (Today is Friday) I'm just packing early because he brought a lot of clothes..for some damn reason don't he know that there is such thing as a washer shit now

A: i laughed at Tyler then got up and walked into the bathroom to shower, brush my teeth,  and lotion down 

after i was finished i did my hair and got dressed

after i was finished i did my hair and got dressed

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when i walked out of the bathroom both of my mates were talking when i walked out their heads snapped to me Ethan gave me a half smile.. i looked between them with worry in my eyes then i sat between them 

E: we need to talk about something 

A: ok

E: a few days after you was put in a coma we found the people who did it but we didn't punish them, we thought it was only fair if you picked the punishment since you were the victim 

A: o-ok when do i have to go down there

E: now actually

A: ok lets go i guess

all three of us walked down the stairs toward the dungeon we came up to one of the Ethan's guards 

Ethan nodded his head and the guard opened the door  as we walked through all of the cells filled with rogues that cat called and tried to touch me which only caused Tyler and Ethan to wrap their arms tightly around my waist and bring me closer to their chest 

as we were walking we came up to this door with a lock on it and it smelled of blood after Ethan had the guard unlock the lock and open the door all i saw was my brother and Johnathan beat half to death 

E: So what will it be 

i looked at my so called brother and said

A: Give him a shot filled with silver to put his wolf asleep for a couple of days after we leave 

after that i turned around and walked out of the room and dungeon like a bad bitch with my mated behind me

after we got back to our room things got carried away if you know what i mean 


i might update tomorrow don't know 


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