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Truth is, I'm still not over him. As much as I love to see my best friend genuinely happy, it was making my life a living fucking hell.
But instead I keep a smile on my face, to the point where I don't even know why I'm smiling. I'm smiling at every spoken word, and I can tell it's making Yindra uncomfortable.
I can't help but to look at Maya and Lucas from the side of my eye, wishing that it was me dancing with him.
It should be me, it was supposed to be me.
I try to shake the thoughts away, now nodding my head as if I were paying attention to the story she was telling me.
"Yeah," I chuckled slightly. They were now laughing together, probably at something he's already told me.
"Hello?" Yindra's hand was now in front of my face, snapping me out of the daze I was in.
"Oh, yeah! I definitely think that prom should be for seniors and juniors."
She agreed, continuing on with her rant. I was currently at semi formal, supposedly the highlight of the school year. Yet, the only highlight so far was that my father wouldn't be a chaperone this year.
I sighed inaudibly, bringing my glass of fruit punch to my lips.

"Riley, dance?"

Farkle appeared in front of me, offering me his hand. I didn't really feel like dancing, but I accepted his invitation instead, waving to Yindra before he dragged me onto the dance floor.
He could tell something was wrong, he always could. It was still unknown to me how he knew me the best out of.. Well.. Everybody.

"What's wrong?" Farkle spun me around and then dipped me.

"Nothing! I'm fine!" I insisted, continuing to sway my hips to the music. From the side of my eye I could see Lucas and Maya dancing happily with Yogi and Darby.

"I know you're not over Lucas, Riley. I can see it in your eyes." He stopped dancing just for a second to look me dead in the eye. His facial expression was intense, almost as if he were angry.

"I'm fine, Farkle. Maya is my best friend, she's happy and that's all that matters!" I said through gritted teeth.

Farkle's POV

One of the main reasons I asked Riley to dance was because I could tell she was upset. Nobody ever caught on to when she was faking her beautiful smile, only blinded by her enthusiasm and manic ways. But just for a split second, if you're able to catch it, she'll stop smiling, her brown eyes will lose their spark, she'll catch herself and hope to God nobody saw, and then she's smiling again.
I know that the reason she's been sad is because of Lucas and Maya; it wasn't hard to see that she still has feelings for him.
I try to convince myself that I care about the both of them equally, and that if they're both happy then everything is fine, but lately I've been caring a lot more about Riley.
Maya's found her happiness, I want Riley to be happy with me. But what chance do I have with her? All I could do is be there for her as a friend if not anything else.
Without realizing it, Riley was grasping onto my back like her life depended on it. I slowly brought my arms around her waist, holding on equally as tight. I know she needs me more than ever, whether she admits it or not. We continued to sway to the slow song for awhile before she abruptly raised her head from my chest, as if she'd seen a ghost. Or maybe she realized that she's dancing with me, Farkle Minkus. Guy who's been in the friend zone for years and years, science geek, best friend. I stepped back from her a little, not knowing what was going through her head.


I slightly cocked my head, letting her know she has my full attention, as she always does. She always did.

Riley's POV

I'm dancing with Farkle. I repeat in my head that he's my best friend, but the closer we get, the more emotion expresses itself in physicality. Now we're face to face, and I don't know what to say. I've never actually got to see his face this close. I've never noticed the beautiful shade of brown his eyes are, and the freckles he had on his cheeks and under his eyes. I was quite taken aback, not knowing how to handle what I was feeling. I can't like my best friend, I can't. And as he holds me by my waist, resting his chin lightly on my head as we danced to the song that I will now remember forever, I realize that he may actually like me, and I've been oblivious to it this whole time.

"Farkle?" I ask, slightly separating myself from his touch.

He gives a head nod, his eyes searching my face frantically.

"I... I.. Do you like me?"

Farkle blushes and removes his hands from my hips. Desperate for his comfort, I take his hands in mine. It's funny how you don't notice a lot of things until you're really close, like now. He was almost a foot taller than me, forcing me to look up.
His face contained emotion I can't make out, something I've never seen before.

And then he kisses me, his hand resting on the side of my face just lightly enough so that I squirm under his touch. Standing on the tips of my toes, I deepen the kiss. He wraps his slim, muscular arms around my lower back and pulls me closer.

Then he abruptly pulls away. The love that I've mistaken for platonic was vibrant in his eyes, but now in a new form. Actual Love, the kind that makes your heart feel like it'll burst out of your chest, the kind that gives you butterflies.

It's taken me 6 years to realize, but I'm madly in love with Farkle Minkus- I'm madly in love with my best friend.

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