field trip.

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I double checked my bag for the thousandth time, making sure I had everything together. Brush, toothbrush, book, charger..
I muttered, rummaging through the duffel bag, which would soon be lost amongst the other student's possessions.

"You ready?" My father asked, in which I gave a thumbs up.
Most of the seats were already filled, therefore I made my way to the very back, where Farkle Minkus was seated. He was often alone, not wanting to socialize with anyone. Though I'm certainly not one to judge, so I sat beside him without any complaints. My dad took my bag and I shuffled in my seat, which was uncomfortably warm. I fished my earphones out of my pocket, attempting to unravel them.

"Try pulling that," he reached across my lap to point at a specific wire. After I pulled it, the knot immediately came loose.

"Thanks!" I smiled warmly, offering him a bud.

He shrugged, placing it into his ear. I didn't wanna take the chance of scaring him with my genre of music, so I settled for classical.

Farkle didn't say anything, just leaned his head back onto his neck rest and looked out the window. There was something mysterious about him that intrigued me for some odd reason.

Maybe it was the fact that I've never heard his voice until now, or that he's incredibly handsome up close.

What are you saying, Riley

"I love this song," he suddenly blurted, leaning across my lap again. He obviously had no regard for personal space, but I didn't mind.
"My grandpa used to play it for me before I went to bed."

"Really? So did my mom!"

Farkle smiled tightly, as if I somewhat hit a nerve. But it was only a split second before he returned to his straight face.

"Do you like classic rock?" I ask him, pressing play on a simply mindless EP.

"Never really listened," he said, now bobbing his head to the song. I could feel his eyes were burning into the side of my head, and so I don't dare move.

The bus finally starts and light chatter fills each seat, a different conversation within each. Of course Zay and Maya sat together, happily talking about art. Lucas and Smackle sat in front of us, soon joining Maya's conversation.

I've never been one to be quiet, not even for a second. But somehow, Farkle made me feel relaxed, like I didn't have to be my usual cheerful self around him. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back and enjoyed the soothing music that came to a low hum, signaling the end of the EP.

"Do You like David Bowie?" Asked Farkle, his eyes glistening just the slightest bit.

"Do I like him?" I laughed softly. "I love him!"

He tapped my phone, and then the instrumental to Space oddity started. One thing about music, when I listened to it just loud enough, it seemed as if the whole world suddenly stopped in motion, and it was only me, me and the song. Like the music, the words were flowing through my bloodstream, taking me on a trip that drugs would never compare to.

Why do them when you could just listen to music

"Yeah, I know right." Farkle laughed. Damn it. I have a really bad habit of voicing my thoughts unconsciously.

Allowing myself to relax again, I closed my eyes and tried to shake the feeling of nausea. Of course I get motion sickness today out of all days.

"I'm sorry, my neck pillow things isn't quite doing it's job," Farkle chuckled sheepishly. "Could I maybe..."

"Oh yeah," I said, giving him permission to lay his head on my shoulder. "Definitely."

Not long after, he's asleep, and his hand rests on my thigh.
I smile slightly, leaning my head against his. Who would have known that the only barrier between me and a stranger was music?

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