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They're the reason I walk with my head held down. The reason I hate going to  school in the morning, the reason I hate getting out of my bed.

"Riley, let's go!" Her brother Auggie yelled for her as he did every morning.

"I'm coming, brat!"

Closing her journal, Riley Matthews started for the bathroom, where she instantly became aware of the note her mom left on the mirror.
"Riles, go to topanga's straight after school, need ur help. X"

"Great." She muttered, crumbling the small yellow paper in her fist. Topanga's was her mom's bakery, and also the place where Farkle and his friends hung out.
Riley dreaded having to work in front of them, but she didn't want to let her mom down. After getting dressed in simple attire- jeans and a sweatshirt, she hauled her book bag over her shoulder and began her walk to school.
At least one good thing came out of moving, she was closer to the city and her school. No more boring, crowded, sweaty and stinky subway rides.
Just two blocks in, she heard her name being called. Riley started walking faster, knowing that if she didn't, those bullies would pick on her yet again.
Why couldn't they just leave her alone?

"Hey, Matthews! Nice sweater, took another trip to the dumpster?"

"Fuck off, Lucas." Riley snapped before running off. Their laughter echoed in her mind for the rest of the walk. It was only eight in the morning and she wanted nothing but to curl up in a ball and cry.


"You smell worse than usual," Maya Hart sneered. If there was anybody worse than Farkle, it was her. Maya was popular in school, and all her little minions practically worshipped her. "Pretty sad that your signature body spray is a bodily function. Sweet pea is much better than sweat."

One of the girls who stood behind her sprayed their perfume all over Riley. "I'd choose sweat over this crap any day." She mumbled, attempting to push past Maya, but only to be pinned against the locker.

"You grew balls over night, smiley Riley?"

"Leave her alone."

Was it... Farkle? Riley lifted her head to see that it was indeed, Farkle Minkus. Except he looked different; rather than his usual attire, he wore dark clothing, a black hoodie covering his face.

"What's it to you, Minki? You see the holy light or something?"

"Put her down." He replied, stepping closer to the small blond. Soon he was right in front of her, but she wasn't backing down.

"We'll settle this later." Maya huffed, pushing him inches away from her. The girl was small but tough. After her minions left, Farkle turned to face Riley.

"You okay?"

He may have been playing nice now, but he contributed to making Riley's life a living hell, and she wasn't gonna warm up to him because he stood up for her one measly time.

"I'm fine, excuse me." She rolled her eyes, rushing past Farkle and into the girls' bathroom.

"Riley!" The door swung open, revealing Farkle's tear stained face.

"Why are you crying?" She retorted, wiping her own tears.

"I'm sorry."


"You heard me," Farkle sniffled, softly grabbing her hand. "I'm so sorry."

Riley flinched under his touch, looking at the ground. She was speechless. What do you say to your bully of three years when he apologizes? Say thanks for the harassment and move on? Not in her book.

"Then... Why'd you do it."

The bathroom went silent as she waited for his response. The only source of noise came from the dripping sink and their shallow breathing. "I- I don't know."


That day changed everything. Maya and her friends no longer teased her, Lucas and Zay never spared a passing glance. Farkle was actually nice to her. It was Wednesday afternoon, and Riley was eating alone in the cafeteria as she always did.


She dropped her fork in her salad at the sight of Farkle. "Hey."

"I was wondering if you would want to go to the dance with me."

Riley thought long and hard. "Maybe."

"Okay," he grinned boyishly. "How about a date? Or just...two friends hanging out at Topanga's."

"Who said we were friends, Minkus?" She sassed, turning her attention back to her book. Farkle lowered it from her hand. "How to kill a mockingbird. Classic."

"You've read it?" Asked Riley, her eyes glowering. "I mean, I don't really care if you have, but yeah. A classic."

Farkle laughed lowly, amused at her rambling. "I've read it three times."

"I'll go." Riley smiled shyly.


"To the dance with you, Farkle. I'll b to the dance with you."


This probably suckeD but I wanted to update so :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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