Coming clean

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TW: mentions of self harm

He stared at me with wide eyes as I lead him back to my classroom, I would take him to the school nurse but everyone had already left.
"Mr. Lester?" He squeaked as a grabbed a wipe and cleaned some of the visible bruises. "Yes?" I raised my eyebrows at him, he was by no means a popular boy. I'd only ever seen him in between classes with his head in a book. "Why... Why did you do that?" He mumbled and Gave him a gentle smile. He reminded me of my high school self.
"Well Michael, not only is it my job to protect you and teach you but... Between you and me, I know how it feels." His eyes widen in surprise and he looks down at his feet, which were currently hanging off the desk.
"May I?" I questioned, having finished wiping the blood off his face. I wanted to be sure that there's nothing broken. He simply nodded and took off his sweatshirt revealing a plain white shirt he was wearing underneath. I immediately fixed my eyes on many criss crossed lines covering his arms between bruising. I gasped and he cringed, probably expecting me to loose it and start screaming at him but I only have him a pathetic smile before reaching into my drawer to get a clean wipe.
He stared at me, obviously amazed with my reaction.
"Mr. lester? Why didn't you react?" Tears dotted at the boys eyes and I took pity. I had been where he was once.
"I do believe that where two birds of a feather. Mr. Michael." His eyebrows clenched in confusion. I sighed and took of my jacket and pulled up my sleeves, showing Michael the scattered scars covering my arm. His breathing stopped as he stared at me.
"Mr. Lester? Oh my god." He bit his lip. "Did you... Were you?..." He looked back down at his legs.
"Yes Michael I was, but I'm better now, High school was a rough time for me but I survived and I'm happy. Just like you will be." He looked at me and for just a split second I saw a hint of a smile cross his face before disappearing again.
"Can I ask you something?" The boy asked.
"What if... Their... Alfie and them. What if their right. What if I am a fag like they said." He finally let a few of the tears he had been holding back fall.
I blinked a few times and sighed. "Let me tell you something okay? People are idiots. There's always going to be someone who dislikes you. You just need to hold your head up high and don't let them get to you. Be who you want to be, it's your life after all." I smiled at him. "You are not a fag. That's just a word people use to make you feel bad. No one can make you inferior without you consent."
He looked back at his feet then up at me again. "T-thank you, Mr. Lester."
I smiled down at him and helped him off the desk.
"Do you need a ride home?" I asked. Micheal nodded. "Well good thing I have one waiting for me. Let's get you home. I'm sure your parents are worried."

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